Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Josh at the Velodrome

Posted on: 25th February 2023

Josh at the Velodrome

Josh in Year 4 wanted me to send us a picture of him at the velodrome on Saturday 25th February 2023.

This was his first go at it and it is very different to riding a normal bike. There are no brakes or gears on a track bike and you can’t free-wheel either. So, once you start pedalling you can’t stop at any moment or you will fall. Speed adjustments can only be made by gradual slowing/speeding up of your leg speed so it takes a good half a lap to slow down enough to come to a stop (usually by holding on to the central barrier as your feet are strapped onto the pedals).

You can only really appreciate the skill of track cycling once you’ve had a go yourself, riding within an inch of the wheel in front, having riders around you with no ability to stop.

The corner banking’s are also incredibly steep, and need to be seen in person to appreciate!

Josh was quite nervous to begin with but took to it so well and was beaming with pride in himself when he completed the session.

He did a timed flying lap as well as moving the bike through cones up on the blue line on the straight sections.

He is excited to go again on the 11th March 2023 with a bit of extra confidence in himself and his abilities.

Wow Josh. You are a superstar!