Good Provider – January 2020
Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School continues to be a Good school from our January 2020 inspection.
We are very pleased with the result and are very proud to be a part of such an amazing school with wonderful children and families.
The opening line of our most recent Ofsted report reads “There is a lot of joy in this well-led school”
Please take the time to read the report below.
Hartlebury Church of England (VC) Primary School Ofsted Report January 2020
To see the latest Department for Education school performance details for Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School, please use the link below.
Department for Education School Performance
Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be visiting Worcestershire to inspect the local area approach to special education needs and disability.
During the re-visit, Ofsted and CQC inspectors will be keen to speak to as many children and young people and their parents and carers as possible, specifically about the weaknesses identified in the WSOA.
Details on how children, young people, parents and carers can engage with the re-visit process and contribute their views are outlined in the letter below.