Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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School Admissions

If you live in Worcestershire and your child is due to start school in Reception 2024/2025 or to transfer from First or Middle school to Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary school during the school year, then you must apply to Worcestershire County Council for your child/children’s school place.

Please click on the following link for further details: www.worcestershire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


Time table for Admissions and Transfers intake for 2024/2025
First / Primary Schools High Schools
Applications open 1st September 2024 1st September 2024
Closing date 15th January 2025 31 October 2024
School offer notification date 16th April 2025 1st March 2025



In-Year Transfer

If you wish your child/children to join Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School during the current school year, please click on the below:

In-Year Transfer


Parents of children resident outside Worcestershire

If you wish to apply for a place at any Worcestershire school, you must complete an application provided by your “home” LA. (The “home” LA is defined as the Local Authority relevant to the child’s home address). The “home” LA will ensure that the application details are passed on to Worcestershire LA for consideration in the allocation of school places.

If you are not resident in Worcestershire, then you should obtain admission details from your home LA, even if your preferences include schools within Worcestershire.

If you are applying after the closing dates, please contact School Admissions or our school directly for further information.


Pre-School and the Early Years Unit

Our Early Years unit is led by experienced teacher Mrs Anneka Hall, who is supported by a team of very experienced and highly skilled Early Years specialist teaching assistants. Our Pre-School is led by Mr Matthew Adams, and supported by Mrs Moira Fudge, our Early Years administrator. We operate as a mixed-age Pre-School and Reception unit, with a fresh, exciting and well-resourced learning environment that operates from two distinct learning rooms and a large outdoor learning space with canopy and playground. Early Years children also make good use of our Forest School area during outdoor learning opportunities and play time.

If you would like your child to join our Pre-School, the cost is £13.50 for a 3 hour morning session and an additional £13.50 for a 3 hour afternoon session. If your child stays all day with us, there will an extra cost of £2.00 to cover lunchtime supervision.

For further information about our Pre-School and to apply for a place, please telephone the school office on 01299 250312 or email mfudge@har.saet.co.uk

Having a place in our Pre-School DOES NOT guarantee a place in our school. Admissions to our school are arranged by Worcestershire Local Authority Pupil Admissions. Children in our catchment area are given priority. All children will need to apply, by January of their intake year, for a place in the Reception Class via the Local Authority admissions department. Please apply via Worcestershire School Admissions www.worcestershire.gov.uk/schooladmissions

Within the Early Years Unit at Hartlebury CofE Primary school, we want children to be resilient, independent, critical thinkers who are able to tackle anything that comes along.  They will therefore be happy and well-rounded individuals with a real love of learning.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the statutory framework which sets standards that all early year’s providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well; and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children are ready for school; and stimulates the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the foundation for good future progress through school and life. All children within the EYFS unit at Hartlebury CofE Primary School work within this framework:

Admissions Documents

  • Admissions Policy 2025/2026

    Submitted: May 2024 - Type: PDF

  • Admissions Policy 2024/2025

    Submitted: Apr 2023 - Type: PDF

  • Admissions to Severn Academies Trust

    Submitted: Sep 2022 - Type: PDF

Time table for Admissions and transfers intake for 2024/2025

First / Primary SchoolsHigh Schools
Applications open1st September 20241st September 2024
Closing date15th January 202531 October 2024
School offer notification dates16th April 20251st March 2025

How do you apply?

  • Apply online by clicking on the following link: Apply for a School place
  • You will need an email address.
  • You will be sent an email to acknowledge receipt of your submitted application.
  • If you do not have access to the internet, you can get online at any Worcestershire library or speak to the school office for further support.
  • Training on “How to get online” is available free to all Worcestershire Library members.

Our Pledge

The Governing Body aims to guarantee the following opportunities for all children, regardless of gender, creed or academic ability, whilst they are a full time pupil at Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School.

  • To develop the pupils’ spiritual well being through a secure Christian and caring ethos.
  • To be offered four residential educational visits during Key Stage 2.
  • To learn and develop basic skills in a variety of competitive sports.
  • To participate in stage drama productions in a variety of capacities.
  • The opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument.
  • To study the basics of two modern foreign languages.
  • To have a code of conduct that serves the community.
  • To make a positive contribution to society.







Our Vision

"Through love, we recognise everyone as a unique child known to God. We will walk with you on your journey to reach your full potential".

Our Christian Distinctiveness


At Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School we have a nurturing environment embedded with the core Christian values of Compassion, Respect and Forgiveness. This trinity of Christian values is underpinned by many other values that we learn about and develop throughout the year. Although our values are not exclusively Christian we approach them through the teachings of Jesus and develop our understanding from this Christian view point.

We strive to create a school family that nurtures and supports the whole school community; treating everyone with love, compassion and respect. We aim to:

  • Prepare children for life in a multi-cultural, multi-faith world.
  • Support children’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.
  • Enable children to consider and develop Christian values and beliefs as a positive force for good.
  • Be inclusive; fostering a real sense of community and unity for all our stakeholders.
  • Enable children to understand and develop the Christian values of Compassion, Respect and Forgiveness.

We have close links with the parish church of St James’ in Hartlebury. Members of their congregation join us regularly for worship. We celebrate a daily act of worship with the whole school based around our monthly value. Worship is led by a variety of people and groups, including the children, the teaching staff, the vicar, members of St James’ and our local community.

Parents/Carers are always welcome to join our worship at St James’ Church at 9.00am on the first Thursday of the month.


Christian Distinctiveness Documents
