Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Out of School News

Posted on: 16th May 2023

Out of School News

We received a lovely email from the parents of Jessica in Class 4, with some lovely out of school news.

Well Done Jess. Keep up the hard work!

We just wanted to send a quick email to let you know how hard Jess has been working in the garden recently! We’ve been having lots of building work done at home and Jess has really enjoyed making sure that the wildlife is looked after!

She planted lots of different seeds with Heidi which have now all germinated and has been busy feeding the birds every day! She has helped to build the raised beds this weekend ready for her seedlings to be planted into the bed next weekend. She’s created a great bond with a little Robin in the garden that comes and sits by her whilst she digs in the garden and even managed to get the robin to eat a millipede out of her Dads’ hand!

Jess has also created a Compost Bin and has been filling us in on all things eco! We are really proud of how focused and determined she has been with this project! We are secretly hoping that all these vegetables she’s growing may encourage her to eat some!!


Hannah and Jack