Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Year 5 visit Malvern Theatre

Posted on: 21st March 2024

Year 5 visit Malvern Theatre

On Thursday 21st March 2024, Year 5 had an absolutely wonderful day visiting Malvern Theatre to watch The Boy at the Back of the Class.

We had been reading this book as a class and had been loving the story, but had deliberately not read the last chapter, so we were so excited to find out the ending!

The children thoroughly enjoyed the theatre and had great seats to watch the show.

We even got to see the author of the book (Onjali Q. Rauf) who sat right in front of us!

After the show we went out to the beautiful Winter Gardens and ate our lunch in the bandstand, before heading up to Malvern Priory- the oldest building in Malvern.

We found the lamp post which is said to have inspired C.S Lewis to write The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe which was very exciting!

There was time for a very quick play on the adventure playground before hopping back on the coach for school.

It really was a great day and we all really enjoyed ourselves!