Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Summer Safety Reminders

Posted on: 24th June 2024

Summer Safety Reminders

With the Summer Term now in full swing, we are looking forward to some good weather, continuing our outdoor learning on our fabulous field and in Forest School.

The children will be making full use of these facilities, making dens, exploring our adventure equipment and enjoying lots of sporting activities.

Consequently, here are a few reminders:

  • Covering legs and arms for Forest School Please consider the clothes your children wear for Forest School; there are nettles and brambles in this area so covered arms and legs are advised. Class teachers will inform parents if children have a slot booked in Forest school this term.
  • Sunhats and Sun Cream Please send your child into school with sun cream already applied and a sun hat or cap when it is appropriate for the weather.
  • Water Bottles Please ensure your child always has a water bottle in school. They will be allowed water to drink whenever they require it during the school day. We ask that the children limit their intake of sugary drinks and request they have sugar free squash at lunch and break times only.