Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Family Learning – Free Online Courses

Posted on: 1st June 2020

Family Learning – Free Online Courses

With the majority of parents and their children at home the Family Learning Team at Worcestershire County Council have designed some really short but fun activities for parents and children to do together online. They have also designed a course for High School pupils and their parents – Jewellery making!

All of these short courses are free to all parents (no eligibility of criteria) and can be booked online by clicking on the blue hyperlinks below:

Book and Cook Family Activity Week Online

Motivational Monday – Making a rainbow from any ingredients you have at home from tomatoes to cherries to peas! Ring an isolated relative and read them a book and make a rainbow in your house or garden. Tech Tuesday – Harry Potter chocolate melting (using up your left over Easter Eggs) and some Harry Potter activities. Work it out Wednesday – Making Pizza (bread roll, slice of bread, pizza base and using up beans, tins of tomatoes, sweetcorn, etc) and then writing your own Pizza cook book. Theory Thursday making biscuits and Where’s Wally books and Feedback Friday – making up a recipe book to show school what you have learnt.

Monday 06/07/2020 10/07/2020
1 week(s) Free
Monday 03/08/2020  


1 week(s) Free

5 days of Family Fun online

Motivation Monday – Flower Pressing and card making using flowers from your garden or local walk and books as the press and turning them into cards or pictures to show or post to people. Tech Tuesday – Sock puppets from old socks at home and anything you can find at home to decorate. Working it out Wednesday – garden pots using recycled drink bottles and yoghurt pots and painting with water in your garden. Theory Thursday – using cereal, pasta or dried fruit etc to thread into necklaces or jewellery. Feedback Friday – Stick food using cocktail sticks or kebab sticks or similar make your own kebabs from fruit and veg in your home or any sweets you can find.

Monday 15/06/2020
19/06/2020 1 week(s) Free

Monday 13/07/2020

17/07/2020 1 week(s) Free

Monday 24/08/2020

28/08/2020 1 week(s) Free

High School Family Crafts Online

This is a 5 session online course for parents and teenagers to learn new crafts together. This course will be given to you to complete in your own time over the course of a week with 5 activities including: 1) Friendship Bracelets with wool or string 2) Flower braided bracelets using wool or string 3) Painted salt dough earrings 4) painted salt dough necklace and 5) Safety Pin Jewellery.

Monday 15/06/2020


Monday 13/07/2020

1 week

1 week(s)



Monday 24/08/2020 28/08/2020
1 week(s) Free