Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Our Value this month is Compassion

Posted on: 1st February 2021

Our Value this month is Compassion

‘If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete’ comes from Buddha and says all that I want to send to you this month really. I know how difficult and challenging this lockdown is for many of our families and I want to say be kind to yourselves; YOU ARE DOING AN AMAZING JOB!

The demands of home schooling, whilst many are trying to work, look after family members and stay safe is enormous, or as the children would say GINORMOUS/HUMONGOUS. (The dictionary is still undecided if these are real words!) But the evidence we have in school, from all your communications, is that the learning is continuing, and continuing really well. So please go easy on yourselves, on your own expectations of your selves: we understand and think you are fabulous!

WELL DONE and look after yourselves!   Mrs Unitt