Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Mini FA Cup Tournament

Posted on: 21st January 2022

Mini FA Cup Tournament

In celebration of Kidderminster Harriers forthcoming FA Cup match v West Ham, Harriers Community Trust are holding a Mini FA Cup tournament on the morning of the game for children aged 5-11 years.

It will be held on: Saturday 5th February 10am-11.15 at Baxter College (astro)

It is aimed at boys and girls that don’t get the chance to play regularly in teams.

Cost is £3 pp. Teams for each age group will be selected on the morning. Everyone will play. We will have 20 available spaces in each age group- 5/6 years, 7/8 years and 9-11 years old.

To book a place email harrierscommunity@hotmail.co.uk Ref Mini FA Cup with the child’s name and age.

Closing date Thursday 3rd Feb