Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Worcestershire STEM Challenge

Posted on: 3rd February 2022

Worcestershire STEM Challenge

Year 4 had a fantastic morning with Sarah from STEM works taking part in the Worcestershire Primary STEM Challenge. Children had to design and build a robotic arm to sort recycling.

Children were given a brief that their robotic arm should:

– Be strong and sturdy with a solid base.

– Have a moving part (mechanism)

– Move in at least one direction

– Separate at least one type of recycling (paper, plastic, glass or metal)

– Must fit on the lid of their box.

Children showed great communication and team work skills to create their robotic arms. The winners of the competition were Spencer M and Zac! The boys have created a video which will be sent to the judges at STEM works.

The children had a fantastic time and we look forward to finding out who the winners of the overall competition are at the end of the summer term!

Please look at all of our wonderful creations in our Gallery.