Posted on: 15th February 2022
Mother’s Day Lunch
We are very excited and pleased to be able to bring back our long-awaited Mother’s Day Lunch on Friday 25th March 2022.
If you are a Mum, and would like to join your child in school for a special lunch to celebrate Mother’s Day, please book and pay for your meal on ParentPay, by Friday 18th March 2022. There are 2 options to choose from:
Fish and Chips – £3.50
Vegetarian option – £3.50
Please go into ParentPay, pick the meal you would like and and make your payment. If you do not want a hot lunch from school, you are more than welcome to still come along and bring a packed lunch with you.
Further details with times etc. will be sent out in March’s newsletter.
This is always a popular and lovely event and we look forward to seeing as many of our Mum’s as possible.