Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Year 3 visit to Chedworth Roman Villa

Posted on: 10th May 2022

Year 3 visit to Chedworth Roman Villa

On Tuesday 10th May 2022, Year 3 went on a joint trip to Chedworth Roman Villa with the Year 3 children from Wilden.

We had a great time in the sun looking around the Roman ruins.

We learnt about the underfloor heating, the food the Romans ate, the bathing system and even the plumbing for a Roman toilet!

We also focused on the beautiful Roman mosaics. Chedworth had whole mosaic floors still intact for us to see and then we got to recreate our own mini mosaic in our workshop.

Great fun was had by all!

Please look at more photos from our fabulous day out in our Gallery!