Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Harvest Festival Donations

Posted on: 26th September 2022

Harvest Festival Donations

All children (except our new Pre-School Children, they are just too new!) will be taking part in our Harvest Festival service on Thursday 29th September 2022 at 9.00am.

We hope you and your families can join us.

Harvest is always such an important celebration in the Christian calendar and with all the difficulties our farmers have faced this year we want to take this opportunity to thank them.

We also want to take the opportunity to support those less fortunate than us and ask that you donate some non-perishable food (tins, packets, pasta, rice, jars…. anything you can spare) for this occasion.

All donations need to be in school by 9.00am on Wednesday 28th September 2022.

The donations will then be taken over to the church and donated to a homeless charity in Droitwich.