Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Year 4 Visit to Cadbury World

Posted on: 7th October 2022

Year 4 Visit to Cadbury World

On Friday 7th October 2022, Year 4 went on a trip to Cadbury World.

The children had a fantastic day and behaved beautifully!

We started our day off with a talk all about the rainforests. We learnt about the rainforest layers and the animals that could be found in them. Our teacher, Josh, then taught us all about cocoa beans and how Cadbury gets all of their beans from the tropical rainforests in Ghana.

Next, we went on a tour around the factory. The first step was going through the rainforest and learning about the Mayan culture. Then we moved into the history of Cadbury world and we learnt details about how the factory makes its chocolate.

At the end of our tour we all got to taste some chocolate, delicious!

After lunch, we all went on the 4D experience. We did have some nervous children but everybody was smiling by the end. We finished the day having a quick play on the outdoor playground before heading back to school.

We are so proud of how the Year 4 children behaved. They represented Hartlebury exceptionally!

Well done Year 4.

Please look at more of our photos in our Gallery.