Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Curriculum Workshops for Parents – Tuesday 18th October 2022

Posted on: 13th October 2022

Curriculum Workshops for Parents – Tuesday 18th October 2022

We are delighted to be hosting a Curriculum Evening next week and we hope that you will join us. In addition to a presentation on behaviour, all teachers will be available on this evening and will each give 15-minute presentations of their curriculum area.

Please complete the form below to advise if you are able to attend and which workshops you would like to join.


There will be a range of different subjects to attend during this event. It is hoped that this will provide families with an overview of different curriculum areas in the school. This will also offer something additional to our other communication about the things your children learn during their time here.

We really hope you will be able to attend. Doors open at 5.30pm with a presentation on behaviour at 5.45pm, followed by workshops from 6.00pm.