Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Be an Attendance Hero

Every day counts……Support your child to achieve their best. 









Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School adopt a Whole School approach to attendance.

We work collaboratively with parents/carers and pupils to achieve the best possible outcome for our children inline with our Vision of supporting our unique children to reach their full potential. 


Our School Attendance officers are:

Sophie Bartlett (Head of School)

Moira Fudge (School Administrator and Finance Officer)


Good attendance and punctuality are vital for success and help to establish positive life habits that are necessary for our pupil’s future achievements.



All absences must be reported to the school office by 8.30am.

Absences can be reported by calling 01299 250312 and speaking to a member of staff or leaving a voicemail on our answerphone. Alternatively, please email office@har.saet.co.uk

Classroom doors open at 8.35am and pupils should be on site ready for registration at 8.45am at the latest.

Any pupil arriving after this time must come through the main school office and will be signed in as ‘Late’ on the register.

It is vital that pupils arrive on time to school as arriving late causes disruption to both theirs and others learning.


Please click on the links below to download our Attendance Leaflet and further information that may may find useful.

Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Attendance – FAQ’s

Attendance Matters

Parent/Carer Attendance Leaflet

Punctuality Matters

Whole School Approach to Attendance – Parents Information