Early Years have been having such fun finding out all about how people in The Netherlands celebrate Christmas! Miss Bagnall has Dutch family and was able to tell the children all about what her family do during the festive season.
We learnt all about St.Nikolas and his white horse Amerigo who visits the children on the 6th December. We were very surprised when we found out that children put their shoes under the tree, instead of stockings!
We left our shoes under the class tree and St.Nikolas paid us a visit and brought us some chocolate lollies. As part of our celebrations we also listened to some Dutch poetry, tried on some clogs, had a look at a Dutch flag and tasted some traditional Dutch biscuits. It is traditional in The Netherlands to receive your initials made from chocolate as a gift for Sinterklaas so we had a go at piping our own letters. It was really tricky!
We were then really lucky to have a very special visitor come to our class. One of our children has a Dutch uncle who had come to visit for Christmas. Richard came and spoke to all of the children in Early Years and answered their questions about life in the Netherlands. We found out about Dutch houses, food, weather and celebrations. We even learnt a little bit of the Dutch language. Thank you Richard!
Please look at all our fabulous Sinterklaas photos in our Gallery.