Congratulations and well done to Hartlebury CofE Primary School!!!
We are very pleased to tell you that thank you to the amazing hard work of our Eco-Committee and Mrs Branagh-Wall, Hartlebury CofE Primary School have been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag.
The Eco School’s Team reviewed our application and noted the following:
It’s wonderful that you have appointed such an enthusiastic Eco-Committee, this shows your schools excellent commitment to both the programme and the eco-cause. It was really great to read how your Environmental Review provided the basis for the projects in your Action Plan. It demonstrates a reflective and considered approach to your Eco-Schools work, this is a great skill that many adults can learn from! It was wonderful to see how completing your Environmental Review helped your Eco-Committee to spot gaps in your school’s existing environmental activity. But equally important is that it helped you to recognise the great work that you were already doing. This helps to keep up the good activity whilst making you feel empowered to do different things. We love this!
Your Action Plan was concise, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound) and clearly influenced by your environmental review. This is a great example of self-reflective practice, research-led planning and critical thinking. Good work!
We’re really impressed at how you’ve linked environmental issues to a variety of curriculum areas. We have enjoyed hearing about how involved you have been with a huge number of campaigns, charities and organisations – a big well done! We love that your pupils have taken their great work beyond the school gates and into their homes and local community. This is a very challenging aspect of the Eco-Schools programme, so your Eco-Committee should be very proud of their successes in this area! The parent quote is a great testament to the work that you are doing with your Eco-Committee, that they are taking their Eco-Schools work home with them and getting their families on board is something to be proud of! I hope you and your Eco-Committee take great pride in your achievements, everyone involved should be incredibly proud of the changes they have made! Your Eco-Code is really descriptive and enjoyable to read. We loved seeing your Eco-noticeboard it’s really informative and eye catching– great effort! Congratulations to everyone for the great work you have managed to do, earning your Green Flag.
You should all be very proud of your work and the application you have submitted!
As always THANK YOU very much for your hard work, we are so proud of all our schools and the collective achievements they have made to protect our planet for future generations.
We look forward to working with Hartlebury C of E Primary School again next academic year to help you expand on your eco-actions and successes of this year.