Josh the Eco Warrior!

Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Josh the Eco Warrior!

On Friday 3rd March 2023, Josh in Year 4 attended the Eco / Cycling festival at Stourport sports club.

After a workshop with Severn Trent Water, we went on a walk around the track looking at the ecology of the local area.

Josh had just been told that plastic bottles can take 1000 years to decompose and decided that he was going to pick up all of the litter that he found as we walked around.

Well done Josh, you really are a great Eco Warrior!

All things ECO!

We are holding our uniform swap shop on the playground at the end of the day on Friday 11th February 2022. As we are trying our hardest to be an even greener school, we have decided to also provide a recycling station you can use! We will have our battery box available, a box to recycle any pens, highlighter, felt tips etc and we will also have our eco-suggestion box out, where you or the children can post any ideas you may have to make our school a greener place!

The eco-council and myself also have a little plea! We have an area around the back of school, which we would very much like to transform into an eco/sensory garden. We have big plans and are currently writing to local businesses to see if they would consider donating some money for new vegetable planters, but we also need your help. Please see a list of things below which would greatly help us in our efforts to create this lovely new space, and if you have anything you would like to donate, we will have an area available on Friday. We would be incredibly grateful for anything and thank you in advance.

We are on the lookout for: any gardening equipment (buckets, watering cans, hand tools…), old pots, pans or baking trays, old pairs of wellies, scrap wood (we sadly can’t take pallet wood unfortunately), packets of seeds, compost, tins (such as Quality Street etc) and plant pots- no matter what the condition. If you have any of the above that you no longer need, we would be ever so grateful.

Many thanks,

Toni Branagh-Wall and the Eco-Council


Eco / Cycling Festival

On Friday 3rd March 2023, some of our Year 4 children attended the new Eco/Cycling festival at Stourport Sports Club.

Children rotated around 4 different activities. Our first session, delivered by Open Trail, was a free cycle where children were able to have a go at cycling around the track.

Then, children had a go at going over the jumps on their bikes.

Afterwards, we attended a Severn Trent Water workshop all about plastic pollution.

Our final session was a Rangers Workshop. We went on a walk around the cycling track looking at the ecology of the local area.

We had a fantastic morning!

Thank you to all of the parents and grandparents for bringing the children along and thank you to Open Trail and the staff from the Wyre Forest School Sports Partnership for organising the event.

Please look at more of our fabulous photos in our Gallery.

ECO Club

The ECO Club has been very busy and our ECO garden is coming along nicely!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to help us, we are extremely grateful.

We have now planted some lovely runner beans that were donated at the start of the term.

Keep up the good work ECO Club. You are amazing!

Recycle to Read

As you know, Hartlebury is very proud to be an Eco School and we are always looking for great new projects to take part in. Therefore, we have just signed up to a project called “Recycle to Read!”

Every year in the UK we throw away over 206,000 tonnes of textile waste and it can take 200+ years for the materials to decompose in a landfill! Recycle to Read takes unwanted clothes and textiles which have been donated to school and not only recycles them, exchanges them with the school for book vouchers! Therefore, we are asking all our Hartlebury families to dig out any clothes they no longer wear and would like to donate and bring them into school. In exchange we are saving clothes from going to landfill and could earn up to £400 of new books for our children!

Donations we can accept include: clothes, shoes, handbags, belts, bedsheets, covers and pillowcases (not pillows and duvets). If you think you have items you could donate please drop them off either at the school office or send them in with your child and ask them to take them to the Year 6 classroom.

Many thanks for your support and if you have any questions at all please do let us know.

Our amazing Eco Warriors!

A big thank you must go out to Eco Warriors Aaron, Noah and Flo who spent two and a half hours on Saturday 11th June 2022 litter picking on Rectory Lane all the way from the school to the A449.

The satisfaction they got from doing a good deed was absolutely fantastic and we are sure the whole of Hartlebury would like to say thank you for your hard work and for helping to make our village a nicer place to live.

Please look in our gallery for more photos of all the rubbish our Eco Warriors collected.

Well done. We are super proud of you all!

Eco News

Thank you to everyone who donated clothes to our “Recycle to Read” scheme!

We collected 10kg of clothes and textiles, which is 10kg which won’t end up in landfill, which is fantastic.

We are waiting to hear how much we have earned in book vouchers so please look out for this.

Thank you as always for your continued support!

Exciting News from Eco Club!

We have some very exciting news from the members of our Eco club…They have grown their very own radishes!

The Radishes are the first thing they have grown and WOW don’t they just look amazing!

We were even able to bring the Radishes straight from the Eco garden to the children’s plates at lunchtime when they were used in our salad bowl. It doesn’t get much fresher than that!

Well done Eco club! We look forward to seeing what other healthy food options you will be growing!


ECO Club grow their own Potatoes

We are really proud of our Eco Club who have successfully grown their own potatoes from seed to end product.

We sent the potatoes home with our Eco members so that they could enjoy the fruits of their labour.

Well done Eco!

What will you grow next?

Bella the Eco Warrior

Here is Bella the Eco Warrior collecting cups at the Isle of Wight festival.

Bella collected over 300 cups earning herself £33.00 for her amazing effort.

Well done Bella!

Harvest Festival by Helena

Well done to Helena in Year 5 who created this beautiful picture of a Harvest Festival.

Helena spent a long time on this at home and wanted to bring into school for us to keep.

It is a beautiful picture Helena.

Well done!

Hartlebury have been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag!

Congratulations and well done to Hartlebury CofE Primary School!!!

We are very pleased to tell you that thank you to the amazing hard work of our Eco-Committee and Mrs Branagh-Wall, Hartlebury CofE Primary School have been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag.

The Eco School’s Team reviewed our application and noted the following:

It’s wonderful that you have appointed such an enthusiastic Eco-Committee, this shows your schools excellent commitment to both the programme and the eco-cause. It was really great to read how your Environmental Review provided the basis for the projects in your Action Plan. It demonstrates a reflective and considered approach to your Eco-Schools work, this is a great skill that many adults can learn from! It was wonderful to see how completing your Environmental Review helped your Eco-Committee to spot gaps in your school’s existing environmental activity. But equally important is that it helped you to recognise the great work that you were already doing. This helps to keep up the good activity whilst making you feel empowered to do different things. We love this!

Your Action Plan was concise, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound) and clearly influenced by your environmental review. This is a great example of self-reflective practice, research-led planning and critical thinking. Good work!

We’re really impressed at how you’ve linked environmental issues to a variety of curriculum areas. We have enjoyed hearing about how involved you have been with a huge number of campaigns, charities and organisations – a big well done! We love that your pupils have taken their great work beyond the school gates and into their homes and local community. This is a very challenging aspect of the Eco-Schools programme, so your Eco-Committee should be very proud of their successes in this area! The parent quote is a great testament to the work that you are doing with your Eco-Committee, that they are taking their Eco-Schools work home with them and getting their families on board is something to be proud of! I hope you and your Eco-Committee take great pride in your achievements, everyone involved should be incredibly proud of the changes they have made! Your Eco-Code is really descriptive and enjoyable to read. We loved seeing your Eco-noticeboard it’s really informative and eye catching– great effort! Congratulations to everyone for the great work you have managed to do, earning your Green Flag.

You should all be very proud of your work and the application you have submitted!

As always THANK YOU very much for your hard work, we are so proud of all our schools and the collective achievements they have made to protect our planet for future generations.

We look forward to working with Hartlebury C of E Primary School again next academic year to help you expand on your eco-actions and successes of this year.

Recycle to Read

Hartlebury will be taking part in ‘Recycle to Read’ again this year!

This is a fantastic eco scheme which takes old, unwanted toys and exchanges them for book vouchers!

We can earn up to £200 in book vouchers for every tonne of toys we donate and there is no limit to how many we can collect.

Therefore, we are asking our wonderful families to have a look at home and see if there are any toys that your children have outgrown that you would be happy to donate. They must be in relatively good condition but it is a great and easy way to declutter and get rid of unwanted toys.

Send your old toys into the school office by Friday 21st June 2024.

World Environment Day Winner!

Well done and Congratulations goes to Joshua in Year 4.

Joshua entered a competition at his Dad’s workplace, Morgan Advanced Materials, to celebrate World Environment Day. They asked children to create a poster highlighting an environmental issue that’s important to them.

Joshua decided that keeping the seas free from rubbish and plastic was the issue he wanted to highlight particularly because of the harm caused to wildlife like turtles. When Joshua was on holiday, he collected rubbish from the beach in Borth, Wales and he created a wonderful poster.

Joshua won the competition and his prizes included a goody bag from Morgan’s and an Amazon gift voucher.

Well done Joshua. We are all super proud of you for your fantastic poster!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


Look at this absolutely FANTASTIC poster that Holly has made to promote how to be ECO friendly.

Holly made this poster in only 3 days and we think that her talent and ideas are simply wonderful.

Holly’s ECO message is Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

We agree with you Holly. Your poster will certainly help us all to be more ECO friendly.

Well done!

Eco Garden News

We have had a very green start to our term as we have been harvesting lots of vegetables from our eco garden!

Lots of children have been finding runner beans, cucumbers, marrows and tomatoes and these have all been going straight to the kitchen for Lois to put into our food!

We are very excited to see what else we find as the year goes on!



Global Learning Day

On Wednesday 27th September the Key Stage Two members of our Eco Council went to Stourport High School to take part in a Global Learning Day. We teamed up with five other schools and spent the whole day becoming Global Learning experts. We studied and tried out different dances from all around the world; learnt where our food comes from and how much CO2 it takes to get it to England; found out what goes into our toilets and bins and discovered the amazing potential of solar power and how it helps the world. We had a really great time, learnt loads and have come back to school with lots of inspiration that we can use to help improve the Global Learning going on in school.

Hartlebury Eco Story in the Shuttle

Please click on the link below to view the Shuttle.

This article features an Eco story for Hartlebury Church of England (VC) Primary School.

The article also features information about Baxter College’s Open Evening:

Greenpeace Worcestershire Local Group Competition

Greenpeace Worcestershire Local Group are organising an art competition for 5 to 11 year olds.

Their objective is to help children show decision makers in Worcestershire County Council their vision of a better future for transport.

Greenpeace Worcestershire Local Group are asking that children ask their parents/guardians to photograph their entries and email

Good luck!

Millie the Eco Warrior!

Millie in Year 3 spent New Year in Devon with her family. During their annual New Year’s Day trip to the beach, Millie was upset by the amount of rubbish she found. She spent her time there collecting rubbish, along with her cousin, leaving it in a safe place off the beach ready for collection.

Wow Millie, well done. You are a fabulous!

We are all very proud of you for being an amazing Eco Warrior!

The Big Schools Bird Watch

On Friday 28th January 2022 , all the children at Hartlebury took part in The Big School’s Bird Watch and, as you can see, we had a great time!

Each class went outside to count all the birds they saw in a half hour period and we had a go at identifying some too!

Lots of the classes also had fun completing a bird fact finding treasure hunt and found out lots of fascinating facts!