Happy Birthday Roald Dahl!

Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Happy Birthday Roald Dahl!

As part of Literacy work this term, Year 3 are learning about Roald Dahl and reading some of his books, including Georges Marvellous Medicine.

The children were invited to take part in a Roald Dahl day on Wednesday 13th September, 2017 which was Roald Dahl’s birthday! The children dressed up as their favourite Roald Dahl character, from his books and they all looked FANTASTIC!

There were organised Roald Dahl activities for the children that were very engaging and the children had lots of fun! The children even brought in an empty plastic bottle from home and created their very own potion from Georges Marvellous Medicine!

A fab day was had by all. Happy Birthday Roald Dahl!

Space Writing Competition

Well done to everyone who entered the Space Writing Competition following our visit from astronaut Michael Foale.

Year 12 English Students from Stourport High marked all entries and were very impressed.

The winners were Millie and Aimee.


The following students were highly commended:




Speaking Volumes Book Grant

After applying for the Speaking Volumes book grant our school has received all the lovely books pictured here.

These will be used for class stories as well as reading for pleasure.

Year 6 we’re very excited to receive the squad to their class book!

Book Cafe and Swap Shop

Thank you to everyone who came to our first Book Cafe and Swap Shop on Monday 11th December 2023!

It was great to see so many of you there, sharing stories and enjoying our library.

Our next Book Cafe and Swap Shop event will be on Friday 26th January, 3:15 until 4.00pm.

We look forward to seeing lots of you there!

Leaf Man

Please click on the link below to read a fabulous story called Leaf Man that has been created by the children in Year 1.

Leaf Man

Well done Year 1!

We really enjoyed looking through this book and were very impressed with the wonderful drawings and letter formations.