Severn Arts Online Music tuition offer for Hartlebury Primary School

Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Severn Arts Online Music tuition offer for Hartlebury Primary School

For this term, Severn Arts are able to accept applications directly from parents/carers for online music lessons. Parents/carers will need to pay for the lessons at the point of booking and no lessons will be able to take place until payment has been received. Parents would therefore deal directly with Severn Arts.

Online music lessons are available for children in Years 2 – 6. If your child is interested in accessing online music lessons during the summer term, please click on the following link:

Summer Term Online Music Lessons

Severn Arts have also provided us with a series of 10-minute body percussion videos that we would like to share with you. The videos have been funded by West Midlands Music but are FREE for you to use with your children. Body percussion has become particularly popular during lockdown as it is a brilliant way to learn fundamental musical concepts including rhythm, beat and tempo without an instrument.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

We hope you enjoy using the videos. Please let us know what you and your children think.

Severn Arts Music Award

We would like to make you aware of a new ‘Music Award’ which Severn Arts is offering for eligible families.

Music lessons are a great way to build confidence, social networks and musical talent, but we know that not all families can afford the full costs.

From now, families can apply for a ‘Severn Arts Music Award’ to be used from September 2021.  This will provide £50 off the cost of music lessons each term for one-year, free instrument hire (depending on instrument type) and free ensemble membership.

Parents/carers can apply for a Music Award in the following circumstances:
· Your child is eligible for Free School Meals
· Your child is looked after (LAC) or previously looked after (PLAC), or
· Your family is in receipt of universal credit, incapacity benefit or pension credit

Only one application per child can be made and, due to limited funds, Awards will be granted on a first come first served basis. If you think you may be eligible for an Award through the Severn Arts scheme and you would like to apply, please complete the Application for Severn Arts Music Award. Applications for Awards should be made by 7 June 2021 and you (and the school your child attends) will be told whether or not you will receive an Award on 23 June 2021.

For further information about the Severn Arts Music Awards Scheme please visit our Help with costs page. If you have any queries about the scheme please contact

Rocksteady Music Assembly

Thank you so much to Rocksteady Music for coming into school to lead a music assembly for us on Monday 4th March 2024.

Even Mrs Bartlett and Mrs Wares were able to take part!

We had a great time learning about different musical instruments. Everyone loved it!

Thank you, Ben, for a fantastic assembly.