Chief Scout’s Acorn Award

Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Chief Scout’s Acorn Award

We received a lovely email from Hermione in Year 1’s Mum on Monday 20th November 2023.

“I thought I’d share that Hermione has achieved the Chief Scout’s Acorn Award – the highest award in the Squirrel scout section (4-6year old’s).

She loves attending Squirrels, at St Michael’s in Stourport, where they’ve made junk towers, designed superheroes and been on trips on a pretend airplane.

She’s also been on day camps with the other squirrels and enjoyed cooking marshmallows on the fire.

Scouts is open to both boys and girls and is a great way to make new friends and try lots of new things.”

What a fantastic achievement Hermione! Well done.

Out of School News!

We received a lovely email informing us that Gabe and Josh’s football team won the Raiders Football Tournament on Saturday 29th July 2024 at Worcester Warriors.

Everyone is very proud of the hard work they have both put in this season!

Well done Gabe and Josh!

Tom, Zac and Oliver…. Champions of the league!

Out of School News….Well done boys!

We are super proud of you all. What an achievement!

We hope you are enjoying the celebrations.

Tom, Zac and Oliver had an extremely exciting day on Saturday 25th May 2024, as their team – the Lickhill Colts U11 – won the Stourport League Cup Final. Their equivalent of winning the FA Cup!

They played brilliantly beating the Ravens 3-2.

We thought we’d share the photo with you as we are all very proud of their achievement! 


Joshua’s Triathlon Success

We received an email from Joshua’s Mum and we just had to share how incredible this is!

“I just wanted to write in to tell you how proud we are of Joshua.

He competed in his first triathlon where he swam 150m, cycled 2km on grass then ran 1.2km.

There’s a lot to think about racing 3 sports instead of just one and extra rules to know.

Josh was simply amazing though and didn’t just finish, he came 3rd! His medal and trophy were certainly well deserved after all the effort he puts in to his sports.

He’s quite rightly proud of himself as well!”

Wow Joshua. What an incredible achievement! You are a real superstar and we are all so proud of you!

Flo the Beekeeper!

We received a lovely email from Flo’s Dad and we just had to share it!

Who knew we had such an amazing Beekeeper in our lovely school!

“I just wanted to share with you Flo’s first experience as a junior Beekeeper as we received and housed our beautiful honeybees.

Fully suited Noah and Flo helped me to get the frames transferred across into the hive.

I couldn’t be prouder of their enthusiasm to get involved and thought you might like to see.

And of course, yes she had to wear her Harry Potter glasses!”

WOW! How fantastic and how lovely to share the experience as a family.

Out of School News

We received a lovely email from Hermione’s Mum on Tuesday 17th February 2024.

Wow Hermione! You are amazing!

‘We recently attended the award ceremony for the West Midlands Cyclo-cross league where Hermione won her age category (u6) for the second year running.

She raced in 10 events between September and December, winning every single one.

Cyclo-cross is an off road discipline riding on grass, gravel and copious amounts of mud.

The wet conditions in later races meant she often had to get off her bike and push it through the mud or up steep hills.

She even lost a shoe in one race to a mud pit.

We’re always in awe of her determination and energy.’

Hermione’s big brother Joshua also worked really hard on his self belief and finished 11th in his very competitive u10 Boys section.

Well done Johsua! You are amazing too!

Noah’s Internet Safety Robot

We received a lovely email from Mum that we just had to share with you all!

“Noah has asked me to send over the Internet Safety Robot he was sent home with from school today. He’s been hard at work since he arrived back and had a great time doing so – even answering most of the questions correctly, too! He has decided to call him Robert “

Well done Noah….Say Hi to Robert for us!


Out of School News

We received a lovely email from Florence’s Mum who was so proud of her commitment to the Pauline Quirk Academy.

“Just thought we would share Florence’s 1 Year badge from the Pauline Quirke Academy! She’s been thriving here and continues to grow in confidence! We are so proud of her!”

Well done Florence!

Out of School News

Well Done Florence!

We received a lovely email from Florence’s Mum, who was super proud of her for competing in 2 dance competitions.

Mum said ” I just want to share what a brilliant weekend Florence had at her school Feis. She came 1st place in 2 competitions and won ‘most promising dancer of 2023’. She has worked so hard over the year and we are so proud of her!”

Well done Florence. Your Feis Weekend sounds amazing and we are super proud of you too.

Out of School News

We received a lovely email from the parents of Jessica in Class 4, with some lovely out of school news.

Well Done Jess. Keep up the hard work!

We just wanted to send a quick email to let you know how hard Jess has been working in the garden recently! We’ve been having lots of building work done at home and Jess has really enjoyed making sure that the wildlife is looked after!

She planted lots of different seeds with Heidi which have now all germinated and has been busy feeding the birds every day! She has helped to build the raised beds this weekend ready for her seedlings to be planted into the bed next weekend. She’s created a great bond with a little Robin in the garden that comes and sits by her whilst she digs in the garden and even managed to get the robin to eat a millipede out of her Dads’ hand!

Jess has also created a Compost Bin and has been filling us in on all things eco! We are really proud of how focused and determined she has been with this project! We are secretly hoping that all these vegetables she’s growing may encourage her to eat some!!


Hannah and Jack

Out of School News

Well done to Joshua in Year 4 who received Man of the Match in his Rugby game on Sunday 15th October 2023.

This is an amazing achievement Joshua and we are all very proud of you.

Keep on being amazing!

Out of School News

We received an email from Holly’s Mum in Year 4, with some lovely out of school news.

“I just wanted to share some out of school news with you.

During the summer, Holly read 6 books and completed the library reading challenge! Reading hasn’t always come naturally to Holly so we are super proud of her and wanted to also thank Mrs Wares for her support.

I have attached a picture of Holly and the librarian from the medal ceremony at the weekend”.

Well done Holly. This is incredible. Mrs Wares and everyone at Hartlebury is extremely proud of you.


Out of School News

We received a lovely email from Harriett’s Mum in Year 3 on Monday 9th October 2023.

“Harriet is attending the British Freestyle Dance Championships this weekend in Blackpool.

I have attached a couple of recent pictures of Harriet at competitions and I’ll let you know how she gets on after the weekend.

This will be the first time she has been to such a large competition, so she is very nervous! As she has just turned 8 (at the weekend) she has gone up an age category, so this will also be her first time out in the under 10 category too”.

Wow Harriett, you are amazing! Good luck in your competition. We can’t wait to hear all about it!

Out of School News!

We received a lovely picture from Lily in Year 4 and Heath in Year 2, who both went to Go Ape in the Wyre Forest over the weekend.

Lily and Heath were extremely brave going on the zipwire for the very first time.

Lily and Heath tell us they were very wobbly but had lots of fun!

Well done. We are very proud of you both!

Pollution Pods at Edgbaston Cricket Ground

We received a lovely email from Florence’s Mum in Year 4. We always enjoy reading all of the wonderful out of school news our pupil’s take part in!

“I had to share these photos with you because it was so good!

Florence went to the pollution pods at Edgbaston cricket ground. There were 5 pods all connected by a tunnel, representing London, Norway, New Deli, Beijing and São Paulo.

As you walk through the pods you experience the climate of that particular city, with a screen that explains details on pollution levels, effects on the ozone layer, safety of being outside, etc. it was unbelievable to experience the different climates especially New Delhi where we couldn’t stay long as we couldn’t breathe or barely see!

The exhibition was a must to see, as it brings awareness to other countries’ climates in real life”.

Wow Florence! This sounds incredible. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Out of School News

We received a lovely email from Joshua’s Dad in Year 4.

Joshua attended first ever Premier League football game and had the time of his life!

Joshua wanted to share his experience during show and tell.

We hope you had a fabulous time Joshua and your favourite team won the match?

Out of School News!

We received a lovely email from Heidi in Year 2 for her Class Teacher Miss Salter.

“Hi Miss Salter, 

I planted some strawberry seeds last year and today I picked my first ripe Strawberry, and have 5 more that are almost ripe! here are some photos! 


Heidi “

Well done Heidi! This is absolutely fantastic.

We hope you enjoyed eating your first home grown strawberry.