Outdoor Adventures

Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Outdoor Adventures

On Friday 6th March 2020, Year 4 went to an Outdoor Adventurous Activities and Problem-solving festival. The children took part in team building and problem-solving activities using their communication and leadership skills. These included; orienteering, logic puzzles, giant noughts and crosses and many more.

Well done Year 4!

Tour of our lovely School

Please watch the video below to see a tour of the outside of our lovely school.

A special thank you must go to Greg Bennett for taking the time to film this for us.



Happy Repair Day Hartlebury

We have great news…

The path at the end of our school drive is being repaired!

Watch this space and enjoy a nice smooth path once more.

Happy repair day Hartlebury

Year 4 Bell Boating

On Thursday 17th March 2022, the Year 4’s went bell boating in the Stourport Basin.

The children had a fantastic day, going through the locks, learning how to paddle and steer the boats as well as learning about the local history of the canal. Some children even managed to pick litter out of the canal on the way through. The children had a fantastic day!

Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who helped on the day, we wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.

A final well done to Year 4 and thank you to our instructor Andy who provided us with such an informative and enjoyable day.

Please look at more of our fabulous pictures in our gallery.

Year 5 Bell Boating

Year 5 had a fantastic time on their bell-boating trip on Tuesday 10th May 2022.

The children enjoyed working together as a team at the Droitwich canal, showing real resilience to row for over 2 and a half hours!

They enjoyed the great weather and nature along the way seeing fish, snakes and even ducklings.

Many thanks to Andy at Fladbury Paddle Club for providing this great opportunity.

October Half Term – Kidderminster Harriers

Kidderminster Harriers Community Scheme will be holding our holiday football courses during half term. Course run 10am-3pm and are open to children aged 5-13 years (Reception- Year . Younger children, 5-7 years can attend for half days if they prefer.

The courses will feature our Star Player Award and a mini soccer tournament, everyone who competes receive a prize.

Cost: Online price: 1 day = £10, 2 days = £20, 3 days= £28 . Half days @ £5 per day 10-12.30 or 1-3pm – 10% sibling discount

Pay on the day price: 1 day = £12, 2 days = £22, 3 days= £30. Half days @ £6 per day- No sibling discount

The venues are:-

Droitwich Cricket Club WR9 7AN– Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th

Worcester – Bishop Perowne College -Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th

Kinver Sports & Community Association DY7 6ER- Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th

Malvern – Dyson Perrins Academy – Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th

Kidderminster – Baxter College – Wednesday 26th, Thursday 27th & Friday 28th

Cleobury Sports Centre – Thursday 27th & Friday 28th

Please bring both indoor and outdoor footwear, packed lunch, drinks, umbrella and waterproof clothing. All courses will be outdoors, in the event of adverse weather conditions, we may have to cancel. Online price is available until Friday 21st Oct before the start date after which pay on the day price applies.

To book a place email harrierscommunity@hotmail.co.uk

Please email details EACH time you book



Any Medical Conditions:

Emergency Contact number:

Course Venue:

Days attending:

Payment details will be sent with confirmation of booking.