Dragon Days

Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Dragon Days

Years 3 and 4’s delivered a FANTASTIC production called Dragon Days to the whole school and their Parents/Carers on Tuesday 26th March. 2019. All of our children who took part in this wonderful production performed their parts brilliantly and the showed was enjoyed by many. We are so proud of all our children and their teachers/teaching assistants for their hard work and dedication they always show. What a fabulous production. Well done!

Thank you for all the help and support that was given with Dragon Days. Please see more fabulous photos in our Gallery.


Swan Theatre Winter School

This Winter holidays, we have the Swan Theatre Winter School leading on from our successful Summer School!

The Swan Theatre Winter School is for children aged 5-16 and held throughout the whole of the Christmas Holidays! Led by our experienced Youth Theatre Tutors, our Winter programme is bound to be an exciting time! Within our sessions, we’ll be exploring storytelling, character development, devising and much more! Whether your child has no experience at all or is an experienced performer, the Swan Theatre Winter School is well equipped to support them in their development.

Theatre and Drama skills are a great way for your child to learn, grow and hence a wide variety of secondary skills used through theatre; such as reading, writing, vocal work, as well as having a positive impact on social skills and development.

Throughout the Winter Programme we’ll also be running this year Worcester Rep family Panto – Beauty and the Beast! Tickets are available here – https://worcestertheatres.co.uk/home

Please note – free spaces are available for FSM children and paid places for Non-FSM.

If the Swan Theatre Winter School sounds fun, and beneficial to you and your child, then sign up, and we’ll see you soon!

Follow this link for more information and booking  or email owen@worcestertheatres.co.uk with any other questions.

We hope to hear from you soon.