The children were able to look at all the books at the book fair in aid of World Book Day. They could make a wish list of books they would like. Parents/Carers were invited into school to look at the books and purchase them if they wanted to. We received lovely feedback from the lady who delivered the book fair to our children. Please see her comments below:
“I hope the children enjoyed the sponsored read. Kerry, who ran the book fayre, said that your school was the best she had ever worked with. All of the pupils were delightful and she was especially impressed with the year 6 group who helped her”.
Well done to all our wonderful children. You are a real credit to your families and to our school!
Well done to our Extreme Read Competition Winners Maddyson and Hayden Robinson. All entries were FABULOUS and this picture was voted by our Parents as the most Extreme Read. Second place went to Spencer Terry with his Lizard reading in glasses and third place went to Oliver Haydon who was reading upside down doing a head stand. Well done to everyone who took part. You were all very Extreme Readers! Please take a look at our Winners pictures in our Gallery.
The Reading Party for the Autumn Term was the ‘Greatest Showman’ theme and took place on Tuesday 18th December 2018. We were joined by an AMAZING dance teacher Mina Burden from FAB dance school. The children split into 2 groups; alternating between dance fun in the hall and watching the film in a classroom, karaoke style of course!!
Everyone was very excited and looked totally fabulous in their Greatest Showman themed outfit! We had lots of very dashing ringmasters in the building. Thank you to all our parent’s for all your efforts and support with enhancing your child’s reading skills, it is really appreciated.
Mina sent a lovely email through to the school office which said “Thank you so very much for having me today, I absolutely loved coming to your school. Such lovely children, and friendly staff. Thank you for also offering to send information of up and coming workshops via parents mail, that is extremely kind.”
This is the Greatest Show!
Over 90 children attended our Easter reading party and we would like to thank everyone who gets behind our drive to encourage all our children to be confident, enthusiastic readers. Reading is the primary skill that opens up all other learning for the children BUT we can’t do it all in school. We really do appreciate all your help and support with building up the children’s fluency, stamina and enjoyment of reading. Great readers are never bored!
Excellent reading skills under pin the acquisition of language, the understanding of punctuation, the investigation of knowledge and facts, plus many more skills that are so important in everyday life.
We are launching our new reading initiative that we hope will inspire the children to read more! We are all very excited about reading and would like to share the joy of reading with the children.
Each class will send home a Reading Passport. This will contain a number of activities that the children are asked to complete. They will differ with each year group and be appropriate to them. The children are asked to return their Reading Passport once they have completed a task and hand it in to their teacher, who will then stamp the passport as recognition of the reading evidence.
When your child has completed the tasks in the passport there will be a celebration assembly for parents and children. The date for the last submission of the Reading Passport is 6th December 2019 and the celebration assembly will be held on 12th December 2019.
We are really looking forward to talking to the children about all the books they are reading.
The aim is to encourage a wider range of reading and develop the children’s love for reading, as well as their understanding of the texts.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Grand
Deputy Head and English Lead
We have launched a new reading initiative that we hope will inspire the children to read more! We are all very excited about reading and would like to share the joy of reading with the
children. Each class have a Reading Passport that goes home containing a number of activities that the children are asked to complete. They differ with each year group and are appropriate to them. The children are asked to return their Reading Passport once they have completed a task and hand it in to their teacher, who will then stamp the passport as recognition of the reading evidence. The aim is to encourage a wider range of reading and develop the children’s love for reading, as well as their understanding of the texts.
Alexander was helping his younger brothers to read at home, as part of his reading passport challenges. How lovely :o)