We are proud to announce that we have earned the GOLD Sports Award for a 4th successive year!! The award recognises our efforts to provide opportunities for children to take part in Extra Curricular Sports and Activities. The children become very engaged in Sport coaching, learning new skills, experiences and competitions. Thank you must go to Miss Branagh, Mrs Odell, Mr Cadwallader and all our wonderful sports personalities who are keen participants!! We are now working towards PLATINUM!! Watch this space!
The children had a great time at Hartlebury CofE Primary School’s first ever football course with Mr Cadwallader.
Over the two days during October half term, Mr Cadwallader led the children through lots of skills and game based activities. They were able to develop their skills in passing, shooting, defending and controlling. These skills were then put to use in matches and competitions during the afternoon.
Lots of fun was had by all developing sporting and social skills. Please see more photos of the football course in our Gallery.
We had lots of positive feedback from some of our football stars who attended the course.
These reviews can be seen below:
“It was really fun, I enjoyed it alot” – Jacob
“The best part was playing lots of matches” – Oliver
“Seeing your friends over the holiday and playing football was great” – Emma
“I liked winning prizes” – Zac
“The games were brilliant like shark attack” – Aaron
On Thursday 6th November the Year 4/5/6 girls football team entered the National League Girls tournament at the Wyre Forest Leisure Centre. The girls played 6 matches in a row so they were very tired afterwards! Overall, Hartlebury had a great day and won 2, drew 2 and lost 2 games.
Well done girls!
On Wednesday 20th November 2019, Years 4 and 5 had the opportunity of a free taster session with Stellissa Fitness.
The children took part in some aerobic movement to dance fitness sessions and also took part in some cool down yoga at the end of the session. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and hope to see Stellissa Fitness in school again soon!
Melissa, the lady who taught the fitness session, gave our school a lovely compliment.
“Your children are a credit to your school. It was the nicest trial I have ever done. All the children were very polite and listened really well. You are a lovely village school and I am really pleased the children all enjoyed it today. I hope to be able to come back soon!
On Thursday 21st November 2019, Hartlebury Key Stage 2 girls football team went to Stourport High school to take part in the ESFA Girls Football tournament.
The girls were in a group with other local schools and managed to finish top of this group. The girls won 2 games and drew 1 at the group stage. A great team effort in the group stages with excellent defending from Martha, Chloe and Suran as well as excellent goalkeeping from Imogen. Also, great attacking from Emma, Georgia, Daisy and Sienna.
In the semi-final, Hartlebury played Franche Primary School and won a close game 1-0 after extra time with Laila scoring the only goal!
We were through to the final where we were against Hagley Primary School whom we had previously drawn with in the group stage. It was a very close fought match with a free kick from Laila making the game 1-1 with 4 minutes to go. Unfortunately, Hagley scored the winning goal with the last kick of the game, not giving Hartlebury a chance to respond. A special mention to Imogen, who kept 4 clean sheets and only conceding 2 goals all tournament.
Well done Hartlebury on a great team performance! We are very proud of you all.
On Friday 15th November 2019, some of our Key Stage 2 children went to the Wyre Forest School Sport Partnership cross country which took place at Stourport Memorial Park.
The day started with the Under 10 girls who ran a strong race, Martha finished in 16th, Emma 21st, Georgia 27th, Daisy 40th, Sophie was 50th, Lottie was 91st and Eleanor finished 108th. This strong start meant that overall the girls Under 10 team finished 1st in their age group!
The day continued with the Under 10 boys’ race, where our top runner was Josh finishing in 39th place. We then moved onto the Under 11 girls race where again the girls put their all into it and finally the Under 11 boys’ race where our top runners were Owen who finished 49th and Ellis R who finished 50th.
This strong overall performance meant that in the small school’s category (out of 13 schools) Hartlebury finished 3rd!
Well done to all of out super star cross country runners!
Please look at more of our fabulous photos in our gallery.
On Friday 6th December, Year 3 and 4 children took part in a Kho Kho Festival – an Indian Tag game.
Teams played each other in 4 mini-leagues. The children were supported by Young Leaders from The Bewdley School and Wolverley CE Secondary School, the children developed their teamwork skills, as well as tactics for playing the game.
Each school was given Spirit of the Games stickers to award individuals that demonstrated self-belief, honesty, passion, teamwork, determination and respect. Lots of our children came back with Spirit of the Games stickers which was fantastic!
Well done team!
On Wednesday 18th December 2019, the Year 5/6 children were organised into teams and played an intra-school dodgeball competition.
The Happy Heptathletes and Proud Pole Vaulters came 3rd, the Serious Sprinters 2nd and the Daring Decathletes and the Rapid Relay Runners came joint 1st.
Well done everyone!
On Monday 16th December 2019, 5 teams made up of Year 3’s and 4’s played a bench ball tournament in the hall.
The Serious Sprinters ended up winning the tournament with 10 points, the Rapid Relay Runners and the Happy Heptathletes came joint second with 9 points with the Daring Decathletes coming third (7 points) and the Proud Pole Vaulters coming 4th.
All of the children showed great enthusiasm and teamwork skills.
Well done Year’s 3 and 4!
On Friday 24th January 2020, our Year 2’s had the opportunity to go to a multi skills festival at the Stourport High School Dome. Young leaders from local schools ran the activities and the children were given the opportunity to have fun and enjoy trying new activities and games. The Year 2’s really took pride in representing the school which had a positive impact on children’s self-esteem and confidence.
Well done Year 2!
On Monday 27th January 2020, a group of children from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 attended a Boccia, New Age Kurling and Archery Festival at the Wyre Forest Leisure Centre. It was great for the children to be able to take part in some new sports, developing and applying new skills.
The children that attended the festival enjoyed themselves and requested that we could try out some of the new sports at school. Look out for more photos in our gallery.
Well done team Hartlebury!
One of our current after school activities is Basketball on a Wednesday. The children who attend this club asked if we could hold a minute silence to remember basketball legend Kobe Bryant who passed away on Sunday in a terrible helicopter crash.
The children respected the minutes silence beautifully and had a really great session afterwards shooting great shots, improving their passing and dribbling skills and more importantly having fun. Please look out for more pictures in our gallery.
May Kobe rest in peace.
On Friday 7th February 2020, a group of children from Years 4, 5 and 6 went to the Stourport dome for a dodgeball festival. The children had a fantastic afternoon of being active and even managed to finish first in their group which was a huge self-esteem and confidence boost.
Well done team!
The Year 3/4 football team played its first match of the season on Thursday 13th February 2020 against Offmore primary school. In a close encounter Hartlebury came out winners 7-6 in a very entertaining game. In muddy conditions the team kept hold of the ball well with some very nice passing between the midfield and attack. The goals were well taken with Emma, Oliver, Josh and Spencer all getting on the score-sheet. Martha and Sydney stayed strong in defence as Hartlebury hung on to the victory.
Well played everyone what a great first game!
On Saturday 8th February 2020, our Year 6 football team travelled to Wyre Forest leisure centre to play against Wyre Forest Phoenix. An exciting game ended up finishing in a 3-3 draw. Hartlebury managed to come back from 3-1 down with Leo grabbing two excellent goals towards the end of the match. Player of the match went to Thomas, who was exceptional in defence heading away danger and stopping opposition attacks.
Well done team Hartlebury another great performance!
On Wednesday 11th March 2020, Jump Rope UK came into school to deliver skipping workshops. All the children that took part had an absolutely fantastic time whilst learning new skills along the way! Year 5 learned forward straddle and speed step.
Please look out for more photos in our gallery.
On Monday 9th March 2020, Sohan from Bhangra Active came into school to get all of the children active and learning about the traditional dance of Bhangra. We started the day with a whole school wake and shake with Sohan and then throughout the day each year group took part in a session.
Everyone had a fantastic day and learnt new skills!
On Friday 13th March 2020, a team of Year 4’s and a team of Year 5/6 entered the local school’s hockey festival. Children took part in order to increase and succeed in competitive school sports and also to take part in an alternative sporting activity.
The children had a great morning, improving their self-esteem, perseverance, confidence and teamwork skills. A special well done to the Year 4 team who finished second in their tournament.
Well done teams!
During April 2020, we have been taking part in active challenges set by the Wyre Forest Sports Partnership. Every photo or video submitted to the partnership via their social media platforms counted as a point for Hartlebury.
As a result of all of your hard work, Hartlebury had the most posts/interactions over the last month and have WON £175 of equipment vouchers for schools.
Well done everyone that took part!
Keep submitting your videos throughout May for our chance to win some more vouchers!
Please look out for more photos in our Gallery.
Well done to everyone who has taken part in the Worcestershire Virtual School Games so far this term. We have already completed 2 challenges, the ‘Speed bounce challenge’ and then we have had children taking part in the ‘Hit the Mark’ challenge.
This week’s challenge is a throwing challenge. Check your emails for more details from Miss Perry. You have until Friday at 5pm to get the entries in for this week! Keep an eye on your emails each week from Miss Perry for further information about the weekly challenges!
You can also represent the school by taking part in the ‘Design a School Games Flag/Poster’ OR by taking part in the ‘Worcestershire’s Got Talent Showcase.’
For further details go to www.activehw.co.uk/worcestershire-school-games or email Miss Perry.
We just wanted to say thank you to everybody who submitted results during the Worcestershire Virtual School Games competition over the last month. We had children enter in every single competition! What fantastic support.
These virtual events will culminate in the Worcestershire Virtual School Games Week taking place between Monday 6th – Friday 10th July during which results will be announced and highlights shared. Fingers crossed we have some Hartlebury winners, I will keep you updated as to how you can see the highlights.
Once again, thank you for your support!
Miss Perry
Congratulations to Noah in Year 4 who was one of the finalists in the Virtual Worcestershire School Games Design a poster competition.
Noah’s poster was shown on today’s virtual opening ceremony of the school games.
Click this link to see if you can spot it – https://www.activehw.co.uk/worcestershire-school-games
Excellent work Noah! We are all so proud of your efforts.
Today is Day 1 of the Hartlebury Primary School Sock Olympics 2020! Both children at school and at home have been taking part from Pre-School all the way up to Year 6!
Today the children have completed:
– Sock Throw
– Sock Catch
– Sock Keepy Uppies
– Sock Basketball.
Well done to everyone who has taken part so far! We are so proud of your efforts.
Please look at more of our fantastic Sock Olympics 2020 photos in our Gallery!
Thank you for your engagement in the Hartlebury Primary School Sock Olympics 2020! All of the children put in 100% effort and it was great to see them working together towards a team goal! A special mention to all of the children who are working from home who submitted results! We have had children in Pre-School up to Year 6 taking part. Thank you so much!
Here are the results…
In 4th place with 12,521 points was the Red team!
In 3rd place with 20,048 points was the Blue team.
In 2nd place with 22, 669 points was the Yellow team which means...
In 1st place with 27,959 points was the Green team!
Well done to everyone who took part, we are all so proud!
Miss Perry
On Friday 20th November some of the children at school took part in a live ‘Kindness’ GoNoodle organised by the Wyre Forest School Sports Partnership.
As we were celebrating World Kindness Week it was the perfect ending.
It was very ‘kind’ of the Sports Partnership to organise this for the local schools.
Well done to everyone who took part.
One of our Year 4 pupils Sam had a nice surprise waiting for him when he got home from school.
Sam received his Blue Peter Sports Badge 2020 for learning how to unicycle over the Summer.
Wow Sam what an achievement this is!
We are all super proud of you.
Please see Sam’s pictures in our Gallery.
On Friday 11th December 2020, our children were invited to come to school dressed in their Christmas Jumpers for the day!
Children and staff came to school wearing lots of wonderful and colorful Christmas jumpers, hats, tinsel…the works!
We also took part in a sponsored Santa Dash. In their class bubbles, children were able to trot like a reindeer, stroll like Santa, skip like an elf and stomp like a snowman for 15 minutes, completing the course as many times as they could in that time.
By taking part, we are hoping to raise as much money as we can for Hartlebury Primary School PTA.
Well done everyone. A special thank you must go to Miss Perry who did a wonderful job of all the organising of this fabulous event for our school.
Throughout the Autumn Term Years 2 and 4 took part in the football challenges organised by the sports partnership. A total of 14 schools took part.
Every child that took part received a values certificate.
The highest scoring team for each challenge received medals and the top 3 teams with the highest overall score received medals and a t-shirt.
Overall, in the KS1 contest, Hartlebury Year 2 (Team 3) won!
In the KS2 competition, Hartlebury Year 4 (Team 3) came first overall.
Well done to all of the children who took part!
Well done to all of the children who have taken part in the February Active Challenges so far!
We have had some great photographs and videos sent in.
If you haven’t already started submitting photos you still have 18 days to take part.
Who will win those certificates at the end of the month?
Over the last 3 weeks, Dan Such from the Worcestershire Cricket Board has been delivering some virtual cricket sessions with our key worker bubbles at school.
The children have had the opportunity to develop their catching, bowling and batting skills and have been really engaged by Dan’s sessions. These sessions will continue after half term and we hope to be able to do some more cricket sessions when all of the children are back in school.
If you are keen to do some cricket at home, ‘Chance to Shine’ have been doing weekly live lessons on a Wednesday afternoon. Follow the link below to their YouTube channel where you can catch up on the live lessons.
Throughout February and most of January, Oliver and Henry have been helping their Dad demonstrate kids’ rugby activities in the garden.
Oliver has really enjoyed doing them and spending quality time with his Dad.
Please take a look at our gallery for more fabulous photos!
Congratulations to our newly chosen Sports Crew! Children in the sports crew will promote sports in our school and help with sporting events such as intra school competitions or sponsored events. They will organise, run and lead activities for any children who want to get involved, helping them to develop their leadership skills and collaboration with others.
Y3 – Neave and Thomas
Y4 – William and Julia
Y5 – Daya and Oliver
Y6 – Isabella P and Jack
After the success of our February Active Calendars we have decided to launch the March Active Calendars!
Throughout March we are encouraging all of the children to take part in the challenges.
There is a calendar for EYFS/KS1 and another calendar for KS2 children.
Each day follows a different theme such as ‘Let’s dance Thursday’ and ‘Superhero Saturday.’
We hope you enjoy taking part and we would love to see photographs of the children taking part uploaded onto their online learning platforms.
Good Luck and Stay Active
Hartlebury Church of England Primary School took part in an extra special GoNoodle session, celebrating what would have been Sir Tom Moore’s 101st birthday.
Our next session will be on Friday 21st May, where we’ll celebrate Cultural Diversity.
Year 4 and Year 2 are having rugby sessions with a coach from the Worcester Warriors Rugby Club as part of their Tackling Health project. Children have been developing the skills of; listening to instructions, playing together as part of a team, being more confident and developing self-discipline.
Year 6 and Year 3 have been taking part in cricket sessions delivered by the Worcestershire Cricket Board. Children have been working on their cricket skills such as Hand-Eye Coordination with Throwing & Catching, their Bowling Technique and their Fielding skills.
Year 1 and Year 5 have been developing their Athletics skills in their PE lessons this term. AJB Sports in Education have led the sessions. So far, children have worked on their running technique and they have also done javelin!
Year 5 have taken part in their Play Leader Training. The aim of the Playground Leaders Scheme is to introduce and develop leadership skills in children by training them up and getting them to organise activities for other children in the playground. Hopefully very soon we will all be together again on the playground and the Y5’s can use everything that they have learnt!
Wow! Well done everyone.
This term, we had the opportunity for Dr Mike the bike mechanic to come into school to service some of our family’s bikes for free.
Dr Mike the Mechanic was amazing; he mechanics for the GB Cycling Team, does the World Series races, is a World Speedway Champion himself and now he has serviced some Hartlebury family’s bikes! How amazing.
We also had the opportunity for Hannah Escott a GB Cycling Team racer and 2016/2019 Elite Women’s World 4X Mountain Bike Series Champion from the local charity Open Trail to come into school to lead some ‘Learn to ride’ sessions for children in KS2.
The sessions provide opportunities for pupils to learn to ride a bike for the first time.
All of the children did really well and finished the day with big smiles on their faces!
Well done everybody!
On Friday 5th November 2021, a group of children from across Key Stage 2 attended the Wyre Forest Cross Country. We had great success and all of the runners came within the top 35 across all of the Wyre Forest schools. They all showed great perseverance and determination and we are so proud of all of you.
A special mention to Martha in Y6 who came 3rd in her race. Martha will now go on to represent Hartlebury in the county finals next March. Good luck Martha!
Well done to all of our Cross-Country Superstars. You are all amazing!
Year 1 and Year 3 both had a fantastic Gymnastics session on Wednesday 24th November 2021 with Ms Goddard from the Wyre Forest School Sports Partnership.
The children were doing floor work and worked on travelling, balancing and finishing.
Thank you Ms Goddard! The teachers and children learnt so much.
On Friday 3rd December a group of KS2 children attended a Boccia festival at Stourport High School.
The children had a fantastic time learning a new sport.
Well done all!
A beautifully written account of the Year 2 Multi Sports Trip on Tuesday 25th January 2022.
- First we got on the bus.
- It was red.
- We travelled faster and faster.
- Then we got to the Dome and I put my water bottle down.
- Then we played Sport.
- My favourite was the tight rope.
- And it was cold on the way.
- I saw Mrs Unit.
- I liked the trip.
In our PE lessons this term Year 4 and Year 5 have been having rugby sessions with Ollie from the Worcester Warriors Community team.
Children have been spending time on skills (attacking, evasive running, catching and passing) but have also been developing their skills through games and competitive activities.
We love our sessions with coach Ollie!
On Tuesday 1st February a group of KS2 children went to Wolverley CE Secondary School to take part in the Panathlon Challenge!The children took part in some brand-new activities including:
- Boccia blast
- Bean bag throw
- Poly bat
- Curling
- Parachute popcorn
- Basketball
- Races
- Flight path
- Table cricket
- Messi football
The children were all so enthusiastic and had a wonderful time! They were even given t-shirts and medals to take home.
Well done Hartlebury!
On Thursday 10th March 2022, some children in Key Stage 2 had the opportunity to take part in a cricket taster session with Lyndsey from Worcestershire County Cricket Club.
Table cricket is an adapted version of cricket, played on a table tennis table and specially designed to give all young people the chance to play and compete in the sport we all love.
Table cricket is a very strategic game! There are different scoring zones around the table and, just like in regular cricket, fielders have to be carefully positioned to prevent runs or to get the batter out.
Teams of six take it in turn to bowl or bat, with the bowler using a ramp to deliver the ball. The batter scores by hitting the ball into the scoring zones, avoiding the fielders if they can!
The children all had a fantastic time. Thank you so much to Lyndsey for the fun and engaging sessions!
On Friday 18th March 2022, a group of Year 4 children attended a Quicksticks Hockey Festival at the Stourport High School Astro Turf pitches.
The children had a fantastic morning using the hockey skills that they developed earlier in the year during P.E. lessons.
The children reached the final and just missed out in the last game so came second overall. Well done team!
If your child is interested in playing hockey outside of school please follow the link below which will give you more information about hockey sessions happening at Stourport Hockey Club.
On Thursday 5th May 2022, all of the children from Year 1 up to Year 6 had a cricket taster day run by Coach Nick from the Worcestershire Cricket Board.
The children all had a brilliant day and were able to practice their fielding, batting and bowling skills.
Thank you, Nick!
If you would like your child to take part in some cricket sessions outside of school follow these links for more details:
Allstars (5-8 year olds) – allstarscricket.co.uk
Dynamos (8-11 year olds) – dynamoscricket.co.uk
On the morning of Friday 6th May a group of Key Stage 2 children went to an athletics festival at Stourport Athletics Club.
All of the children had a fantastic time and enjoyed taking part in all of the activities. They took part in javelin, sprinting, long distance running, hurdles, long jump and shotput.
Well done to all of the children who represented Hartlebury and showed fantastic sportsmanship.
I wonder if we will see any of the children at the Olympic Games in the future?!
On Wednesday 27th April 2022, Year 3 and Year 5 started their hockey sessions with Miss Johnson from Stourport Hockey Club.
The children had a fantastic time and learnt how to hold the hockey stick first. Then, children moved onto dribbling and passing. Finally children took part in some mini games using the skills that they developed in the session.
The children absolutely loved it and can’t wait for next week!
On Friday 13th May 2022, Year 2 went to Stourport Cricket Club and took part in a cricket skills festival organised by Worcestershire Cricket.
The children had a great time and practised a range of cricket skills!
Well done Year 2!
On Wednesday 18th May 2022, all of the girls in Year 1 had the opportunity to go to the Key Stage 1 Girls’ Football festival, hosted at Westacre Middle School with a mix of Shooting Stars activities and football skills practices.
The girls all had a great time.
Thank you to the organisers and all of the fantastic young leaders!
#GirlsFootballinSchools #LetGirlsPlay
My name is Hayley Vernon and I have just opened a new class for pre-school children to learn how to play tennis.
Wyre Forest Tiny Tennis is based just over the hills from you at Stourport Tennis & Squash Club.
We have just had two brand new soft TigerTurf courts laid at our club and we really want to encourage as many children with a Parent/Carer as possible to come down and try the sport.
We have a FREE session coming up on Friday 10th June. Please see the attached leaflet for further details.
Best wishes
Hayley Vernon
Level 1 LTA Coach
On Tuesday 24th May 2022, a group of Year 4 children attended the Worcestershire Dynamos Cricket Schools Festival.
The children played 2 games and won both showing great batting, bowling and fielding skills.
Miss Perry was particularly impressed by the children’s sportsmanship!
Unfortunately, the heavens opened and cut our morning short, but the children’s spirit wasn’t dampened.
Well done team!
On Friday 10th June 2022, a group of children from Year 4 and a group from Year 5 had the opportunity to go to a tennis festival at Stourport Tennis Club.
The teams rotated around 6 tennis skills stations and accumulated points as they completed each challenge.
We were so impressed by the children’s tennis skills!
Well done all.
We have had a really exciting first day of National School Sports Week with our special guest – Lark Davies. Lark is a rugby union player and has recently signed for the Bristol Bears at club level. Lark is an England women’s national rugby team player and she is a Six Nations Grand Slam champion!
We were so excited for Lark to visit our school and she inspired us all during assembly this morning telling us all about her life and how she got into rugby when she was at primary school. Children even had the opportunity to ask Lark questions and we learned so much about her and her love of rugby!
After the assembly, most of the children attended a fun rugby session where Lark taught us the important skills of attacking, defending and even kicking!
The children all had a fantastic time and we are so grateful to Lark for coming to see us!
We are all well and truly inspired, thank you Lark!
Please look at more of our photos from this exciting week in our gallery!
Year 1 had a fantastic time with Dan from Kidderminster Harriers Football Club on Thursday 9th June 2022 taking part in a football fun session.
Children practiced dribbling and passing and were superstars!
Well done Year 1!
Please look out for more fabulous pictures in our gallery.
On the morning of Wednesday 22nd June 2022, a group of Year 4 and 5 children went to the Wyre Forest Commonwealth Cycling Festival at Stourport Cycling Track.
The children had a fantastic time cycling around the track.
They then had to practice weaving and had a go at going over ramps!
We finished the morning participating in group races!
Well done all.
Please look at more of our fabulous photos in our Gallery.
On Tuesday 7th June 2022, Year 4 had their first Golf session with Noel from Kidderminster Golf Club.
The children had a fantastic time developing their putting and chipping skills.
We can’t wait for next week already!
We have lots more photos for you to see in our Gallery!
Every day this week children across the school have been taking part in the Youth Sport Trusts ‘1 a day’ challenges.
We have taken part in:
- Around the world
- Catch and Clap
- Fast Feet
- Speed Bounce
- Tap up Tennis
All of the children were challenged to persevere. They had a go and then had another go to try and beat their score. We were so proud of all of their efforts.
The purpose of National School Sports Week was to raise awareness of the vital importance of PE, sport and play.
We think we have done this throughout the week and hope that the children have enjoyed it!
Well done to the team of Key Stage 2 children that attended the Rounders Festival on the morning of Tuesday 28th July 2022.
We were so proud of your attitude and determination.
Overall, the team came second!
We are so proud of you all.
On Friday 24th June 2022, some of our Key Stage 2 children attended a Key Stage 2 Athletics Festival at Stourport High School Athletics track.
Children took part in a range of track and field events.
We were so proud of the children’s perseverance and determination.
Well done all!
Year 4 and 5 took part in the Stourport Bell Boating Regatta on Monday 11th July 2022.
They raced really well and got through to the final with a very quick time!
It was very hot but they paddled their way down the river and represented our school incredibly well.
Well done Year 4 and 5.
We are so pleased that our sports clubs are up and running again for this half term.
We kicked off our after-school activities on Monday 12th September 2022, which was Netball club with Miss Harris.
We still have a few spaces remaining for Years 4, 5 and 6 and with the netball league coming up later on in the year we would love for more children to join.
Please email Miss Gledhill in the office to sign your child up office@hartlebury.worcs.sch.uk
On Friday 14th October 2022, a group of Year 3 and 4 children attended the Wyre Forest Sports Partnership Tag Rugby Festival at Kidderminster Carolians RFC.
The morning started with the children taking part in some skill sessions with the young leaders.
Once children had developed their skills they took part in some games against other schools.
We were so impressed with the children’s determination and sportsmanship.
Well done team!
Please look at more of our fabulous photos in our Galley.
In P.E this half term, Year 4 have been doing Hockey.
Children have worked hard to develop their attacking and defending skills and they are now beginning to apply these skills in games!
Well done Year 4!
Well done to all of the Key Stage 2 children who attended the Wyre Forest Schools Sports Partnership Cross Country on Friday 4th November 2022.
All of the children had a fantastic time taking part and we were so proud of your perseverance and determination!
Josh in Year 4 said, “It was such an amazing experience and I really enjoyed watching all of the children taking part in the races. I felt really excited to take part in a race against children from other schools and I had a lot of fun!”.
Please look at more of our photos in our Gallery.
In P.E this half term, Year 5 are doing Tri Golf with AJB Sports in Education.
The children are having a great time developing their golf skills and we are really starting to see some shining golf stars!
Well done Year 5.
🏴🌹Red Roses make the final! 🌹🏴
Back in the Summer term, we were lucky enough to have Bristol Bears and England’s Lark Davies in school inspiring the children to play rugby.
Lark is a professional rugby union player and she is currently part of the England national team taking part in the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand. England have had a fantastic tournament and after an impressive victory over Canada in the semi finals they now face New Zealand in the final!
You can watch the final (the Red Roses vs Black Ferns) on Saturday morning at 6:30am on ITV.
Good Luck Lark and the rest of the Red Roses from all of us at Hartlebury! 🌹
Thank you so much to Ms Goddard from the Wyre Forest Sports Partnership for coming into school and assisting the Year 2 and 5 teachers with their P.E lessons over the last few weeks.
Year 2 have had great fun in developing their gymnastics skills and Year 5 have been working on dance!
We really appreciate the support and the children really enjoyed the lessons.
On Tuesday 15th November a group of Year 3 children attended the Wyre Forest Cricket Festival at the Stourport Dome.
Children played countdown cricket against other schools.
We were so impressed by the children’s batting skills!
Well done Hartlebury.
On Friday 2nd December 2022, a team of Year 3 and 4 children attended the Kho Kho event at the LQ Arena, Stourport High School.
The children (and Miss Perry) had a great time learning a new game.
Throughout the morning children were looking out for children from other schools who were showing the school games values of Determination, Teamwork, Self-belief, Respect and Passion.
The others schools and staff awarded some of our children with the stickers too!
Thank you to the young leaders from Wolverley CE Seconday School too, they were fantastic!
Well done team, we hope you enjoyed your morning.
On Tuesday 29th November 2022, a group of Key Stage 2 children attended the Wyre Forest Panathlon event at Wolverley Secondary School.
Children had the opportunity to take part in Boccia, Bean Bag Throw, Parachute Popcorn, Curling, Polybat, Basketball, Races, Bowling, Messi Football and Table Cricket! Children behaved exceptionally and we are so proud of them for representing Hartlebury so well.
Great work team!
On Friday 25th November 2022, a group of Year 5 and 6 children took part in Jumping Jaxx training with Mrs Goddard from the sports partnership.
Children learnt a range of games and activities that they will now be able to lead for the younger children in our school.
Well done to all of the children who took part.
We can’t wait to see you leading activities at lunchtimes!
On Friday 3rd February 2023, a group of Key Stage 2 children attended the Wyre Forest School Sports Partnerships swimming gala at Holy Trinity School.
We were so proud of all of the children who showed great determination, perseverance and sportsmanship throughout.
Well done to all!
On Friday 3rd March 2023, some of our Year 4 children attended the new Eco/Cycling festival at Stourport Sports Club.
Children rotated around 4 different activities. Our first session, delivered by Open Trail, was a free cycle where children were able to have a go at cycling around the track.
Then, children had a go at going over the jumps on their bikes.
Afterwards, we attended a Severn Trent Water workshop all about plastic pollution.
Our final session was a Rangers Workshop. We went on a walk around the cycling track looking at the ecology of the local area.
We had a fantastic morning!
Thank you to all of the parents and grandparents for bringing the children along and thank you to Open Trail and the staff from the Wyre Forest School Sports Partnership for organising the event.
Please look at more of our fabulous photos in our Gallery.
On Friday 17th March 2023, children from years 3, 4, 5 and 6 took part in the Hockey tournament organised by the Wyre Forest School Sports Partnerships at Stourport sport centre.
The year 3 and 4 team played ten matches and won 7 of these!
The year 5 and 6 team played five matches. They won one match and drew 2 of these.
We are super proud of them representing the school with great teamwork and sportsmanship.
Well done everyone!
Well done to our Hartlebury Netball team who played the first round of the league fixtures at Stourport High School this week.
We were up against some tough opponents but the girls didn’t give up and showed great sportsmanship throughout.
Well done team and good luck for next week!
We are super proud of our Netball Team!
The girls all played amazingly well in the league on Wednesday 29th March 2023.
They played their hearts out winning 2 games and drawing one.
We came 2nd in the small school league and 4th overall.
Well done girls. You have represented Hartlebury amazingly well!
What a fantastic day Year 3 and 4 had at Worcestershire County Cricket Club for the Schools Day at the cricket on Friday 19th May 2023.
We were lucky enough to travel to Worcester by train. Thank you to all of the parents for dropping the children at the train station and for Emilie from Platform for helping us along the way.
On arrival at Worcester, we walked to the county ground where we were able to watch some cricket and take part in some activities run by the Worcester Cricket coaches.
Some of our children were even lucky enough to get autographs from some of the players including Worcestershire’s Pat Brown who has played for England. Some children were also lucky enough to get a photograph with him! We then walked back to the train station before boarding the train back to Hartlebury Station.
We are so proud of all of the children who were impeccably behaved! Well done Year 3 and 4, you represented your school fantastically!
Wow! What a fantastic start to National School Sports Week we had on Monday 19th June 2023 with Vijay from Bhangra Active.
We started the day with an assembly where Vijay introduced Bhangra dancing and showed us the drum that he would be using throughout the day. Then, we started our workshops.
Each class had a chance to work with Vijay learning our very own dance!
We were so impressed with the children’s engagement in this activity and the smiles that were on everybody’s faces showed what a fantastic time we were having.
Thank you Vijay!
Well done to our Key Stage 2 Rounders team who represented Hartlebury at the rounder’s tournament on Friday 16th June 2023.
The children represented our school brilliantly.
The team narrowly came 2nd by just half a rounder.
Well done team!
On Tuesday 20th June 2023, all of our children enjoyed a tennis day with Andy and Mike from Ombersley Tennis Club.
Due to the rain we took part in the hall but still had a great time.
We played traffic lights to practice our tennis ready positions. Then, we practiced our volleying to each other before practicing our volleys over a net.
Thank you to Andy and Mike for such a great day!
Encompass coaching are running tennis and multi skills camps for 5-15 year olds over the summer at Ombersley Tennis Club.
For further information please visit www.encompasscoaching.co.uk
On Wednesday 21st June 2023, we held the Hartlebury Athletics Championships.
We had great fun taking part in javelin, balancing activities, relay races, target shooting and hockey!
Well done to all of the children who took part and showed great determination and teamwork.
We are so proud of you all!
On Tuesday 13th June 2023, a team of Year 4’s and 5’s went to the Year 5 cricket tournament at Stourport Cricket Club.
We were so impressed with all of the children’s perseverance and determination.
They also showed fantastic teamwork skills throughout the day.
Thank you to the parents for transporting the children to and from the event, we really appreciate your support.
Super work team!
On Monday 12th June 2023, all of the children in school participated in a football day ran by Emma Collins from Worcester City Women’s Football Club.
This summer is the FIFA Women’s Football World Cup and our aim for the day was to inspire the children to watch the tournament and maybe even join a local football team.
All of the children had a brilliant time developing their football skills and Emma was so impressed with everybody’s behaviour!
Well done Hartlebury!
On Friday 9th June 2023, a team of Year 3 and 4 children attended the tennis skills festival at Stourport High School.
Children moved around stations working on different tennis skills such as balance, aim, hand eye coordination and positioning.
We all had a great time.
Thank you to the parents for transporting your children to and from the event, we couldn’t have done it without you!
We have had a great day on Thursday 22nd June 2023, learning how to play the inclusive sport of goalball.
Children in Years 2-6 have all had a go at the sport.
Goalball is a team sport designed specifically for athletes with a vision impairment.
Participants compete in teams of three, and try to throw a ball that has bells embedded inside of it into the opponents’ goal. The ball is thrown by hand and never kicked. The children all wore blindfolds so that they had to really use their sense of hearing to stop the ball.
Thank you to Mrs Goddard from the Wyre Forest Schools Sports Partnership for running our sessions. We all had a great time.
Year 1 have been dancing to music in their classroom today as part of their National Schools Sports Week activities.
Thank you so much to Tom Palmer who is the goalkeeper for Kidderminster Harriers for coming into school on Wednesday 12th July 2023, to show the children the team’s league promotion trophy.
The children had the opportunity to ask Tom questions and to hold the trophy.
Thank you so much Tom, we had a great afternoon!
Good Luck for the upcoming season.
Thank you so much to Zoe from Cutnall Green Tennis Club who came into school on Thursday 14th September 2023, to run free Tennis sessions for our Key Stage 2 children.
We Do Tennis, are looking to raise the profile of Tennis in the Hartlebury area and work alongside Cutnall Green Tennis Club, aiming to attract more players to come and try the sport.
There’s a free Tennis Open Event at Cutnall Green Tennis Club on Saturday 23rd September 2023, which is fully inclusive and will cater for all ages and abilities. All sessions will be run by an LTA Accredited coach with first aid, safeguarding training as well as a current DBS and insurance in place. It would be great if some of our children from Hartlebury could attend!
Thank you again Zoe from all of us here at Hartlebury!
Thank you so much to Open Trail for coming in and leading Learn to Ride sessions at school on Tuesday 19th September 2023.
The children that took part, all grew in confidence and some children had even made enough progress to take part in Bikeability later on in the week.
Open Trail is a registered charity established to encourage young people, of Worcestershire and the West Midlands, to strive for more than they think possible.
For more information about what they do, please visit their website – https://opentrail.co.uk/
Well done to all of the children who took part in Bikeability.
Some of our Year 4s took part in Bikeability Level 1 on the playground where they learnt how to maintain their bicycles, how to glide, how to control their bikes and how to be aware of their surroundings.
Some of our Year 5s took part in Bikeability Level 2. This began on the playground but then took place on the roads around the village. Children learnt to start and stop with more confidence and they passed stationary vehicles. They also developed their understanding of the road including signals, signs and road markings. Finally, children learnt how to negotiate the roads.
Well done to everybody who took part and thank you to the Bikeability team for running our sessions!
Well done to the team of Year 5/6 children who attended the football tournament at the Kidderminster Harriers Centre of Sporting Excellence on Monday 9th October 2023.
We joined over 250 children who played matches in the sunshine.
The children won a few games, drew a few and lost a few but showed great perseverance throughout.
It was difficult in such warm weather but the children didn’t give up and showed great teamwork.
A special thank you to Mrs Haydon for bringing extra drinks for the children and to Mrs Roach who helped manage the team!
A great afternoon was had by all.
Some of our children had a great time today taking part in the Worcestershire School Games Sensory Adventure Walk on our school field, organised by @The Wyre Forest School Sports Partnership.
The aim of the walk was to challenge the different senses of smell, sight, touch and sound.
Well done to all of our wonderful children who took part!