Well done to Zac and Spencer in Year 4 who attended the Worcestershire STEM Challenge Finals on Thursday 30th June 2022 at Yamazaki Mazak Worcester.
The boys were challenged with creating a robotic arm!
We are so proud of the boy’s achievement and how brilliantly they represented Hartlebury!
Well done both!
On Wednesday 11th January 2023, Year 4 took part in the Worcestershire Primary STEM challenge.
Children were tasked with building a workshop using KNEX and throughout the challenge children used problem solving skills, teamwork and communication.
Throughout, children learnt about structures and mechanisms, and used their new-found knowledge to solve the construction challenge.
Children also had the opportunity to discuss STEM careers.
We had a brilliant, challenging afternoon.
Well done to Lincoln and Maddie for winning the competition in our class.
Please look at some more of our fabulous photos in our Gallery.
Toni-Branagh Wall (Assistant Headteacher) ran a STEM Careers Fair on Friday 30th June 2023 for the whole of Year 5 and 6’s across the six schools within our SAET Trust.
Hundreds of primary pupils learnt how science, technology, engineering and math’s can be applied to the workplace at a careers fair.
The day was a huge success and we would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You and Well Done to Toni Branagh-Wall.
If you would like to read more information here is a link to the Express & Star website about the STEM careers fair:
Well done to Evelyn and Florence, who were chosen to represent Hartlebury in the Worcestershire STEM Challenge final at Kidderminster College on Thursday 20th June 2024.
We are very proud of both of the girls for taking on this challenge.
Well done to everyone who took part.
On Thursday 23rd January 2020, Year 4 took part in the Worcestershire Primary STEM challenge. Children were tasked with building an autonomous car using KNEX and throughout the challenge children used problem solving skills, teamwork and communication. Also, throughout students learnt about structures and mechanisms, and used their new-found knowledge to solve the construction challenge. Children also had the opportunity to discuss STEM careers.
We had a brilliant, challenging afternoon.
Well done to Sydney and Katie for winning the competition in our class.
Year 4 had a fantastic morning with Sarah from STEM works taking part in the Worcestershire Primary STEM Challenge. Children had to design and build a robotic arm to sort recycling.
Children were given a brief that their robotic arm should:
– Be strong and sturdy with a solid base.
– Have a moving part (mechanism)
– Move in at least one direction
– Separate at least one type of recycling (paper, plastic, glass or metal)
– Must fit on the lid of their box.
Children showed great communication and team work skills to create their robotic arms. The winners of the competition were Spencer M and Zac! The boys have created a video which will be sent to the judges at STEM works.
The children had a fantastic time and we look forward to finding out who the winners of the overall competition are at the end of the summer term!
Please look at all of our wonderful creations in our Gallery.
Excited pupils had plenty to roar about when a life-like T-Rex dinosaur waded into their assembly at Hartlebury CE Primary School.
The scary guest was the highlight of a day of fossil hunting for dinosaur relics, learning about palaeontology and our pre-historic ancestors.
Carys Jenkins, from Education Group, who ran the event, also brought along two baby dinosaurs and parents had the chance to meet the giant T-Rex in the playground at home time.
Debbie Wares, science co-ordinator, said: “All the children took part in the workshops which were fascinating and they were so thrilled to meet Sophie the T-Rex. It was such an inspiring day for them and really put excitement into science.”