Year 6 have been doing some art during our rainbow time. Daniel P has created this ammonite drawing as part of science.
This is amazing Daniel. We can all see how hard you have worked on this and the detail you have put into drawing.
Well done!
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Year 6 have been doing some art during our rainbow time. Daniel P has created this ammonite drawing as part of science.
This is amazing Daniel. We can all see how hard you have worked on this and the detail you have put into drawing.
Well done!
Eliza in Year 1 drew a fantastic Self-Portrait at After School Care. We think it is A-MA-ZING!! All of our children who attend our Wrap Around Care provisions have lots of fun and enjoy coming along. If your child would like to attend please contact the School Office on 01299 250312 or email us at
The children in year 6 have been working very hard to support the 52 Lives charity and they have created excellent work in their lessons each week. In fact, their work was so brilliant that it was featured in the 52 Lives Kid’s Club video last week and they are being sent a prize to celebrate their participation and their dedication to spreading kindness.
Please see below the link to the video that features the Year 6 children (the actual bit is at 3:28!)
52 Lives is a charity which aims to change people’s lives and spread kindness. Their goal is to spread kindness and empower children by helping them to realise that the little choices that they make every day can have the power to change people’s lives, improve their own health and well-being, and ultimately change the world.
In year 6, we have been spending time each week to think about kindness and how we can be kind to ourselves, each other and our planet. So far, we have identified what we love about ourselves, the importance of sleep (where we have been creating sleep journals to reflect on our quality of sleep) and lastly, we have created information posters to spread awareness about the importance of bees and other pollinators to our planet.
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” – Dalai Lama
Developing children’s vocabulary is such an exciting and important part of our learning in Early Years as we love opportunities to explore new vocabulary in exciting ways. During a whole-class Guided Reading session, the children in Reception read a story called “Sarah’s Tap Shoes,” with many children being uncertain as to what ‘tap shoes’ really were. We talked about tap dancing and watched Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers perform an amazing routine on YouTube. The children found it really interesting that the clip was in black and white and they came up with some excellent words to describe the routine including ‘elegant,’ ‘sweeping’ and ‘full of rhythm.’ We then discussed which surfaces tap shoes would and would not make a noise on, with some really great predicting.
When Miss Bagnall was in the staff room, discussing this lovely learning with the other teachers, Miss Salter and Miss Perry remembered that there were children in both of their classes who were excellent tap dancers and could show us the real thing! Sure enough, the next day, two of our Key Stage Two pupils came to visit Pre-School and Reception with their tap shoes and did some INCREDIBLE tap dancing for us. The children were absolutely entranced and it was really great to see the vocabulary from our book really brought to life.
Thank you girls for sharing your amazing talent with us!
We have been learning about the famous palaeontologist Mary Anning. The Year 6 children had to pick their favourite type of fossil and draw it, first in pencil and then again in colour.
Well done to Adam who drew this incredible fossil.
Year 6 are really impressing us all with their artistic talent!
Well done to everyone who entered the Space Writing Competition following our visit from astronaut Michael Foale.
Year 12 English Students from Stourport High marked all entries and were very impressed.
The winners were Millie and Aimee.
The following students were highly commended:
We were so impressed by the creativity shown by some of the Year 4’s World Oceans Day homework.
Well done all!
One of our children featured in the Bromsgrove Standard newspaper after attending a Droitwich Heritage Centre’s Medieval Activity Day. Children were able to experience what daily life was like in medieval England and took part in traditional games, including hopscotch, draughts, hula-hoping and quoits.
Well done Eliza. Lovely photo of you showing off your fabulous hula-hooping talents!
Jess in Year 1 has written a lovely story book called ‘The Lonely Princess’ and she wanted to read it to Mrs Bartlett. Jess’s parents recorded a video of her reading it but later found this version that she recorded herself and thought that we would like to see it!
Well done Jess. It is a lovely little story. We are undecided what you will become in the future…
A children’s Author
A Teacher
A story teller
A television presenter
A princess
Whichever route you choose, you are going to be fabulous!!
Year 3 were set the task of making an anglo saxon helmet or mask for their homework over half term.
We think they all did a fantastic job and really used their imaginations and created fantastic helmets or masks.
Well done Year 3!
Well done to all of the children in Year 4 who worked so hard on their Viking Topic homework this half term.
We were so impressed by the effort shown by all of the children and their families in creating some incredible things!
Yesterday, the children had the opportunity to showcase their work in our very own Viking Museum.
Children from other classes and adults from across the school came to see their work and were blown away!
Well done all, absolutely fantastic!
Please look at all of the incredible homework in our Gallery!
Two of our Year 6 girls are trying to create bags filled with essential items (and some treats) for homeless people. Their intention is to make up draw string bags, filled with small items they feel would be valued by anyone who is currently living without a roof over their head. They will take these bags to a local homeless charity for distribution. They have planned events over the next 5 weeks and hope parents/carers will feel able to support them. The first of the Five Fabulous Fundraising Friday’s was on Friday 8th March 2019 – Donation Station- any small items to go in these bags ie wipes, hand gel, hats, scarves, blankets, water bottle, plasters, hair brush, gloves, toothbrush and toothpaste etc.
Thank you for all of the donations. They have been gratefully received.
Well done Eleanor. We are all so very proud of you!
I wanted to help families who might be struggling this Christmas and thought I’d ask the school to help me. I sent out a poster asking for donations of advent calendars so I could take them to our local food bank.
I had a target of 50 in my head, Mrs Unitt said 100.
We smashed both with donations of over 100 advent calendars and selection boxes!
Tesco in Stourport supported me too by donating 10 selection boxes.
The lady at the food bank was really grateful as they had ran out of advent calendars with lots more families to help still.
THANK YOU to everyone who donated. I love our school and the love we show other people.
From Soukie
Year 5 had a fantastic day at SAET Youth Commonwealth Day on Friday 8th July 2022. Each school from our academy was given a country from the Commonwealth to represent – we were New Zealand! – and had the opportunity to take part in Hockey, Cricket, Bowls and Athletics throughout the day. Each school was asked to prepare an oath or poem for their country. This is ours, written by our class!
A Kiwi in the Commonwealth?
What a strange idea!
There’s no bananas, apples or pears…
So, let us make this clear.
This Kiwi’s not a food,
Seeded, ripe and juicy.
We’re talking about New Zealand!
Full of culture, sports and beauty.
New Zealand’s part of Oceania,
Where waters are deep and blue,
It’s sat on the Ring of Fire
And there are Secret islands too!
Volcanoes formed this landscape,
With mountains as far as the eye can see,
Come and check this place out!
It’s the sixth largest country.
Home to the Maori people,
Who named it ‘The Land of the Long White Cloud’
Traditions so ancient and beautiful
Screaming the Haka loud and proud.
New Zealand is full of Wildlife,
With the famous kiwi birds,
There are lizards and penguins and seals,
And fallow dear that travel in herds.
Known for their prowess in rugby,
They make their opponent quake,
When the All Blacks step on pitch,
The whole Earth starts to shake.
The last country to be inhabited,
3 Languages you can speak,
A visit to the land of Hobbits,
Is something you may seek!
A Kiwi in the Commonwealth?
What a wonderful idea!
No bananas, apples or pears…
Just beauty, adventure and cheer.
Well Done to one of our super star children George who earned his Blue Peter Diamond badge!
It’s a terrific achievement to be awarded such a special badge.
You should be very proud of yourself. You are a credit to your family and to our school.
Austin in Year 1 wrote some fabulous lyrics for an Autumn song that he wanted to share with us. Austin and his Mum put the lyrics to music for Mrs Bartlett and the Year 1 team to enjoy.
We all LOVED your ‘Leaves are Falling’ song! It made us all smile.
We hope you all enjoy it as much as we did :o)
One of our fabulous children took it upon herself to design this fabulous Anti-Bullying Poster for Anti-Bullying week. We think it is amazing and you can see it displayed around our school.
Well done Freja. You have used a great choice of meaningful words to help get the message across to stop Bullying. You should be very proud of yourself.
Say NO to bullying and look after each other!
Year 1 wrote this poem based on James Carter’s Kennings Poem, The Sun.
The Moon
Out at night.
The moon so bright!
He is a…
Glow – shiner
Star – twinkler
Round – lighter
Rocket – shooter!
Earth – orbiter
Astronaut – dreamer
Night – guarder
Dark – follower
Oh, M O O N, we love you so We wish you would never go!
Year 2 wrote this beautiful poem for Remembrance Day on Monday 11th November 2019.
Beautiful words Year 2.
Year 4 have been learning about Guy Fawkes and have created some art inspired by the events on November 5th.
They created a silhouette of the Houses of Parliament and decorated the sky with fireworks and stars!
We were really impressed by the children’s creativity.
Well done Year 4!
Year 2 have been looking at our value PEACE during the month of November. Mrs Unitt challenged Year 2 to make an acrostic poem about characteristics that peacemakers have. We think this is a lovely Poem written by Year 2. Well done.
We have displayed this in our Worship corner.
Seren in Year 3 drew this inspiring picture for Bonfire Night.
Seren felt it was mean and unkind to put a ‘Guy Fawkes’ on a Bonfire and we should only be burning wood.
We were so impressed with Seren’s inspiration, we felt we had to share it with others!
Well done for highlighting how compassionate you are towards others Seren. We are sure you will change the world someday with your inspiring beliefs.
On Thursday 13th February 2020, the Year 4 children presented their Viking topic homework as a museum in the hall. Children had put so much effort into this half term’s homework and completed a range of challenges such as building a Viking house, making a Viking board game and conducting research about Viking Gods. The whole school came to see what the children had been up to and the children did a fantastic job at answering any questions that children had.
Well done Year 4!
Please look at more photos in our gallery!
Well done to Joseph in Year 3, who spent all weekend drawing every single character that he knew from Pokémon. You have worked so hard and we think it is totally fabulous!
This is incredible Joseph and we are super proud of you and the amazing talent you have.
What will you draw next??
We had a little visit from Danielle and Eddie the Elf when Tesco brought our weekly food shop. Tesco in Stourport very kindly donated 10 selection boxes for Soukie’s advent calendar appeal for the food bank.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of the fabulous workers at Tesco, especially Eddie the Elf!
We love this ‘joke of the week’ from Oliver in Year 2.
Oliver told us a joke that he found on the back of a Penguin bar, and we think it is very funny!
‘How does a Penguin build it’s House?’
‘Igloos it together’.
Oliver drew us a fabulous picture to go with it.
Thank you Oliver. We wonder what next week’s joke will be!
Year 3 have been working on their Roman projects through the Easter break and have been sending in pictures of their work through Google Classroom. They have produced puppets, posters, models, quizzes, and have even dressed up a Ken doll as a Roman soldier in full uniform!
The children are working really hard on their daily lessons, but finding time for lots of physical activities and creative work too. Keep up the good work Year 3!
Please look out for more photos in our Gallery.
In Year 4, we have been reading ‘How to train a dragon’ during our English lessons.
Bella has written and performed a poem all about the dragon, ‘Green Death.’ We were so impressed and wanted to share it with you all!
Well done Bella, you are a fantastic poet!
Year 4’s homework was a Viking Project. Albert and Edwin have made these fantastic pieces that were thoroughly deserving of a Headteacher’s Award. Please see further pictures in our Gallery.
Well done!
Well done to Jasmine in Year 5, who wrote a beautiful Acrostic Poem for Hartlebury.
What is an Acrostic Poem? An acrostic poem is a type of poetry where the first, last or other letters in a line spell out a particular word or phrase.
Jasmine chose to write her own version of an Acrostic Poem that spelt HARTLEBURY.
Happy community
Amazing teachers
Reliable friendships
Terrific learning
Lunchtime supervisors are kind
Equal treatment
Best times
Unique pupils
Respectful friendships
You are the best school
Well done Jasmine. We love it!
What will your next poem be?
Katie in Year 4, built a den at home whilst thinking about angles and shapes to make it tall enough but also to ensure that it was strong enough.
Well done Katie. We can see how hard you worked on this and your photos are lovely.
Please look out for more home learning photos in our Gallery.
During the first lockdown, Olivia and her family took part in a home ‘Come Dine with me’ competition, which was great fun!
During Lockdown 3, Olivia and her family decided to take part in a home ‘Great British bake off”.
It was Olivia’s turn to bake and she made a very yummy strawberry milkshake cake which her family say was delicious (and of course calorie free!)
Well done Olivia.
Your cake looks very professional and we are it tasted just as good as it looks.
This is my model of A.J.Hackett bungee jumping off the Eiffel Tower in 1987. He was then arrested, but released 10 minutes later. He got the idea for bungee jumping when he saw tribe’s men in the jungle jumping off a wooden platform, with vines tied around their legs.
A.J. Hackett set up many bungee jumps around the world including the 450 foot high Nevis High Wire in New Zealand, which my Dad did when he was travelling.
By Sam
Year 2
Some of our children had a wonderful time on Thursday 7th November 2024 taking part in the Worcestershire Games Sensory Adventure Walk on the field.
Children had a super time using all of their senses to develop their movement in nature.
Great work children!
During the week of 20th April 2020, Year 2 learnt all about St Georges Day as part of their topic ‘Best of Britain’ and did some fantastic writing at home, inspired by Jackie Morris’s ‘Tell me a Dragon’.
Please click on the link below to have a look at the all their fantastic work.
Well done Year 2, this is absolutely brilliant!
Here are their dragons!
Year 4 have had a wonderful first week!
On the first day back in the classroom after lockdown, Monday 8th March 2021, Year 4 worked amazingly well together to create a fabulous collaborative rainbow display.
They also spent a lot of time talking about the skills they had learnt during lockdown and their favourite memories.
Miss Perry said ‘We are so glad to all be back together again!’
This half term, Year 4 started the topic of Vikings. Miss Perry set homework just before half term and the children have had this entire term to complete the work. The children were given a menu and had to complete one writing task, one knowledge task and one art or design task. We are so proud of all of the children and how hard they have worked with their Viking projects. The children have all said how much they enjoyed doing this work with their families at home too! Mrs Unitt gave every child that completed the homework a headteachers award sticker to congratulate them on their incredible work. Well done Year 4!
Please look at more of our fabulous Viking Project pictures in our Gallery.
Wow…just wow!
This is Tom’s drawing of George and the Dragon which he did as part of his literacy work on St George’s Day.
What an incredible masterpiece you have created Tom. You are most certainly a future artist in the making. This is truly incredible.
Well done!
Our children have been having great fun carrying out a wide variety of scientific investigations to celebrate British Science Week.
They have also been learning about famous scientists, engineers and inventors.
Science at Hartlebury during British Science Week, included making fossils, making telephones, creating x-ray pictures, going on a living or non-living hunt in our school grounds, studying plants and making a ‘Storm in a Glass’ to show how clouds fill up and cause precipitation.
The children have all approached their activities with great enthusiasm and it has certainly been a great way to have fun (combined with lots of learning of course) in our first week back to school.
Well done everyone!
Please look at more fabulous photos in our Gallery.
Year 6 designed and painted this wonderful Zebra as part of West Midlands Safari and Leisure Park Conservation Competition.
Well done Year 6. It is truly fabulous!