World Book Day was on Thursday 7th March 2019. We celebrated with lots of stories in school during that day. All the children and even the staff came to school dressed in their PJ’s and the children brought their favourite book along to share with their friends.
It really was a fun day, celebrating the joy of great stories and books!
On Thursday 5th March 2020, we celebrated World Book Day with lots of stories in school during the day. The children were invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character and brought their favourite book to share with a friend. It was a really fun day, celebrating the joy of great stories and books and everyone looked fantastic!
Sponsored Reading Challenge Monday 2nd – Friday 6th March
We are targeting reading this year and promoting the ‘love of reading! We held a Sponsored reading challenge from Monday 2nd March – Friday 6th March 2020 to help raise money to buy new books for school.
Thank you to everyone who took part!
Here is a lovely story called ‘The Runaway Pea’ written by Kjartan Poskitt and Alex Willmore.
We hope you enjoy Storytime with Mrs Unitt.
World Book Day is on Thursday 4th March 2021.
We hope you enjoy listening to Mrs Unitt read the book ‘Rain before Rainbows’.
We hope you enjoy listening to the story ‘Wendy the wide-mouthed Frog’ that is being read by one of our lovely parents Victoria.
Thank you for sharing your story time with us.
World Book Day was Thursday 4th March 2021. We loved sharing stories with you all and celebrating our love of reading together – even though it was not in person this year!
Online Book Fair!
Usually, we LOVE seeing everyone at our school book fairs, exploring lots of new books. This year though, we’re moved this online! Please feel free to browse the books and consider supporting our Online Book Fair by placing your orders through the link below.
For every £1 you spend on books, the school will get 20p to spend too!
(Orders must be placed by 5:00pm, Friday 5th March).
Hartlebury Reads – Reading Newsletter and Digital Library!
Click on the link below to see our FIRST EVER Hartlebury Reads Newsletter! It has lots of resources to access, upcoming reading events, recommendations of our favourite reads and even a special message, just for us, from the famous author and illustrator, Thomas Taylor!
We want you to enjoy discovering as many new books as possible, so please take a look at our Online Digital Library. Click on each picture to listen to the author read an extract from their book.
Hartlebury Reads Newsletter
Digital Library
Please also look at some of our fabulous photos from World Book Day in our Gallery.
Happy Reading Everybody!
We hope you enjoy listening to the story ‘Peace at Last’ that is being read by one of our lovely parents Carrie.
Please click on the link below and then add Passcode: 8ZCrt+YS
Peace at Last
Thank you Carrie for sharing your story time with us.
We celebrated World Book Day all week and what a fabulous week it was!
As part of our celebrations in school, we chose a book to share in all classes called Leaf, by Sandra Dieckmann and invited the children to come to school dressed up, not as book characters, but as animals, to support the activities around this wonderful story. While the tale of Leaf takes place in a forest, full of woodland creatures, children and adults came to school dressed as lots of different animals from all parts of the world!
The children were also invited to visit another school within our Trust and took part in the, SAET hosted, Chris White author workshop.
Some of our children in Year 6 were reading buddies with our Year 3 children and were very helpful towards them. Well done Year 6.
We all had a wonderful week celebrating World Book Day and our love of reading.
A special thank you must go to Miss Porter who organised all of this for us.
Please have a look in our Gallery at all the lovely photo’s from the day.
Year 6 had a fantastic afternoon on our Author Visit with Daniel Henshaw on Wednesday 6th March 2024.
Daniel told us all about his book, ‘The Great Snail Robbery.’ In his book, Jeremy Green is about to commit the crime of the century… and steal two African Land Snails from school! Although his life is falling apart around him, the daring ten-year-old realises that all of his problems could vanish when he hitches an ambitious plot!
After Daniel had told us about his book he worked with the children to plan their very own mystery story. We developed a main character, came up with a stolen item and even came up with three possible suspects.The children behaved exceptionally well and planned some really brilliant stories. Well done Alder class!
Hartlebury Church of England (VC) Primary School took part in World Book Day on Thursday 1st March 2018. The whole school were invited to dress up as their favourite book character. As you can see from the photo our children looked FAB-U-LOUS!! We celebrated World Book day with lots of stories in school during the day. Our children are also taking part in lots of different activities throughout the month of March. These include – 1. Writing a book review of their favourite book and bringing both into school to share – 2. Recreating a scene from their favourite book by drawing, painting, collage or modelling – 3. Making a puppet of their favourite book character. Please look at more of our FABULOUS World Book Day photos in our Gallery.