Year 6 – A Credit to our School

Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Year 6 – A Credit to our School

Well done to all of Year 6. A truly exceptional letter received from the tour guides at The Morgan Factory highlighting how welcoming all of our children and staff are. The children were an absolute joy to be around and a credit to our School. Well done Year 6 you are a shining example of what Hartlebury Church of England Primary School represents.

Mothers Day Special Lunch

Hartlebury Church of England (VC) Primary School welcomed over 90 mothers into school for a special lunch to celebrate Mothering Sunday. Mums sat with their children and were treated to a hot lunch, great chats and some quality time with their children and other mums from their classes. Everyone had a fabulous time! Mums felt very special as their children waited on them and guided them through a ‘back to school’ experience! Year 6 acted very confidently as hosts and all the Mums commented of how well looked after they felt. This celebration started our Mothering Sunday weekend; the children took home cards they had made in readiness for Sunday when we gathered together at St James’ Church, Hartlebury to lead the morning service. It always is a special occasion for us and other Mums from the village. Please look out for more photos in our Gallery.

Year 6 Harry Potter Day!

To celebrate the end of our unit of work on Harry Potter, Year 6 all came to school dressed in their “muggle” clothes and were transformed into Harry with a face paint scar!

We then took part in a potions lesson (sat in our houses of course!) where we made a “babbling potion”, used ratio to work out the missing potion ingredients, read the final chapters of the book and even played quidditch!

It was a great way to finish off our topic and our term and lots of fun was had by all!

Bell Boating

Alder class had a brilliant time Bell Boating on the Stourport Basin and Canals on Tuesday 12th March 2024.

Andy (Bell Boating Leader) took us up through a lock and we travelled down the canal and back to Stourport again.

The children showed great teamwork and perseverance on what was a slightly damp morning.

Thank you, Andy, for leading us and thank you to Mr Dasanjh and Mrs Best for volunteering to come along with us.

We really had a super time.

Well done Year 6! 

Year 6 visit to Wyre Forest Fire Station

Year 6 had a brilliant morning over at the Wyre Forest Fire Station taking part in the citizens challenge on Wednesday 5th June 2024.

The Young Citizens Challenge consists of a series of workshops that address various safety issues and are delivered by the Police, the Fire Service and other partner agencies.

The workshops are designed to be entertaining and informative, with the aim of teaching key safety messages which should benefit children not just during the summer holidays but throughout their lives.

This is a firmly established event which has been running for over 25 years and is attended annually by around 2,000 school children across Worcestershire.


Amongst the subjects covered include:-

West Mercia Police – internet safety / stranger danger / knife crime awareness
Hereford & Worcester Fire Service – fire safety
Western Power Distribution – safety near electricity substations
Safer Roads Partnership – road safety
Severn Area Rescue Association – water safety & rescues

We were very pleased that one of the Hartlebury teams won the event.

Great work Hartlebury!

Year 6 Pizza Party

Year 6 had a brilliant end of term bowling and pizza party at Avatar Games on Tuesday 16th July 2024!

Children had a great time and enjoyed their delicious pizzas.

It was a wonderful way to celebrate these amazing children and give them a well earned treat as they come towards the end of their time with us here at Hartlebury Primary School.

We are going to miss them all as we send them off onto their next adventure at secondary school but know that they will all thrive as they move on.

What bright futures the children have ahead of them!

Year 6 are in the Shuttle!

Year 6 are in the Shuttle!
A nice memento for them.