Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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All About Maths in the Early Years – Parent Workshop

Posted on: 6th March 2019

All About Maths in the Early Years – Parent Workshop

A huge thank you to all the parents who were able to attend our “All About Maths in the Early Years Parent Workshop” after school on Monday 4th March. We had a really busy session finding out all about how the Early Years curriculum is structured; how we teach Mathematics; the vocabulary we use in school; the activities children engage with and how Mathematical learning can be supported and extended at home. We had lots of our lovely resources out to explore and the grown-ups had a great time playing some of our class games together. Some of them even made the grown-ups think!

These sessions are designed based on what you, as parents, say that you would like information or guidance on so it is great to have your support so that we can work together to best support your children’s learning.

Look at more of our fabulous photos in our Gallery.