Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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All things ECO!

Posted on: 9th February 2022

All things ECO!

We are holding our uniform swap shop on the playground at the end of the day on Friday 11th February 2022. As we are trying our hardest to be an even greener school, we have decided to also provide a recycling station you can use! We will have our battery box available, a box to recycle any pens, highlighter, felt tips etc and we will also have our eco-suggestion box out, where you or the children can post any ideas you may have to make our school a greener place!

The eco-council and myself also have a little plea! We have an area around the back of school, which we would very much like to transform into an eco/sensory garden. We have big plans and are currently writing to local businesses to see if they would consider donating some money for new vegetable planters, but we also need your help. Please see a list of things below which would greatly help us in our efforts to create this lovely new space, and if you have anything you would like to donate, we will have an area available on Friday. We would be incredibly grateful for anything and thank you in advance.

We are on the lookout for: any gardening equipment (buckets, watering cans, hand tools…), old pots, pans or baking trays, old pairs of wellies, scrap wood (we sadly can’t take pallet wood unfortunately), packets of seeds, compost, tins (such as Quality Street etc) and plant pots- no matter what the condition. If you have any of the above that you no longer need, we would be ever so grateful.

Many thanks,

Toni Branagh-Wall and the Eco-Council