Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Anglo-Saxon Day

Posted on: 17th January 2022

Anglo-Saxon Day

On Monday 17th January 2022, Year 4 went to Bodenham Arboretum for an Anglo-Saxon day in their forest school area. Thankfully the sun shone on us all day and we had a fantastic time taking part in:

  • Fire lighting using flint and striker
  • Making natural dyes using beetroot and blackberries and raspberries
  • Calico Printing – using the dyes
  • Painting our faces using charcoal to look like Anglo-Saxon warriors
  • Cooking on the fire – Anglo-Saxon bread
  • Making rune stones out of clay
  • Writing their name in runes
  • Make necklaces using Elder and clay beads
  • Anglo-Saxon shelter building
  • Making Anglo-Saxon toys using clay and natural materials

The children behaved impeccably and had a super day to start off our new topic.

Well done Year 4!

Please look in our Gallery for more fantastic photos from such a wonderful Educational visit!