Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Autumn Special

Posted on: 29th September 2020

Autumn Special

We are launching our new catering company with an Autumn Special this coming Thursday 1st October 2020.

The menu will be…..

Cheese and tomato Pizza
Herby diced potatoes
Sweetcorn or Baked beans

Option 2 will be
Jacket potato with beans or cheese

Pudding will be
Chocolate Crispie cake or Jelly

No sandwiches will be available on the day. All Reception and KS1 children will be given the opportunity to try our fabulous new lunches! If usually brings a packed lunch, they can still try our pizza or a pudding.

If there are any children with allergens that don’t normally have hot dinners but will be eating on the day, please advise the school office


Please let the school office know if you would prefer NOT TO try this menu.

We hope all of our Reception and KS1 children will take up this fantastic offer!