Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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British Science Week March 5th – March 12th

Posted on: 12th March 2021

British Science Week March 5th – March 12th

Our children have been having great fun carrying out a wide variety of scientific investigations to celebrate British Science Week.

They have also been learning about famous scientists, engineers and inventors.

Science at Hartlebury during British Science Week, included making fossils, making telephones, creating x-ray pictures, going on a living or non-living hunt in our school grounds, studying plants and making a ‘Storm in a Glass’ to show how clouds fill up and cause precipitation.

The children have all approached their activities with great enthusiasm and it has certainly been a great way to have fun (combined with lots of learning of course) in our first week back to school.

Well done everyone!

Please look at more fabulous photos in our Gallery.