Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Chief Scout’s Acorn Award

Posted on: 20th November 2023

Chief Scout’s Acorn Award

We received a lovely email from Hermione in Year 1’s Mum on Monday 20th November 2023.

“I thought I’d share that Hermione has achieved the Chief Scout’s Acorn Award – the highest award in the Squirrel scout section (4-6year old’s).

She loves attending Squirrels, at St Michael’s in Stourport, where they’ve made junk towers, designed superheroes and been on trips on a pretend airplane.

She’s also been on day camps with the other squirrels and enjoyed cooking marshmallows on the fire.

Scouts is open to both boys and girls and is a great way to make new friends and try lots of new things.”

What a fantastic achievement Hermione! Well done.