Posted on: 5th May 2020

Congratulations Eleanor
It is with great delight that we can share with you that Eleanor, in Year 4, has reached the final 50 in the annual BBC Radio 2, 500 word story competition!!
Her story, The Crab and the Lantern Fish, has been recorded and is now available for all to hear on the BBC Radio 2 website
We really hope you have a listen because it is fabulous and it has a very special message for everyone.
Eleanor’s Mummy and Daddy are so proud of her, as is all of our school community. We know her friends in Year 4 will be jumping up and down with excitement at the news!
Since the competition was launched in 2011, over 934,296 stories have been entered but Eleanor now becomes our first finalist!! We wish her well for the final on the 12th June 2020 and will keep our fingers firmly crossed until then!!
Congratulations Eleanor from everyone at Hartlebury!