Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Congratulations Stan the Lollipop Man

Posted on: 3rd December 2024

Congratulations Stan the Lollipop Man

Stan has been nominated to receive a Hartlebury Hero Award on Tuesday 3rd December 2024. Here are the reasons why we know he will win the award!

On behalf of everyone at Hartlebury Church of England (VC) Primary School, we would like to nominate our wonderful Lollipop Man Stan.

Stan has been keeping our children safe for many years and he has continued to deliver a consistent and commendable service to the whole community and our school. Stan is friendly and approachable and has built up a wonderful rapport with our children and their families. Stan will show his support where possible by attending assemblies and events both in school and at St James’s Church.

Stan is a genuinely lovely man and is very popular with all of our families and staff combined. Stan was nominated by our school for the Unsung Hero Awards at the National Education Awards. Sadly, Stan didn’t win, but we believe he most definitely is a Hartlebury Hero!