Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Foster Care Fortnight: 9 – 22 May

Posted on: 9th May 2022

Foster Care Fortnight: 9 – 22 May

2022 marks a year of change for us as we enter a new stage of normal after we start to recover from the Pandemic. Now more than ever, this year’s Foster Care Fortnight theme of ‘Fostering Community’ could not seem more fitting.

The fortnight starts May 9th and runs through until May 22nd and hosts a whole range of ongoing gatherings, activities and opportunities to meet up to discuss fostering in the County.

Caring for children is a tremendously difficult and important task and we aim to guide those that foster for us with supervision, training and participation.

WCF Fostering are always looking to expand the county’s family of foster carers. We are especially interested in those open to caring for teenagers and siblings and we encourage those considering fostering to find out more about the journey to foster, speak with local fostering families, staff and find out more about what life could be like as a foster carer and the rewarding feeling you get when you make the difference to a child’s life.

Making the decision to foster a child is one of the biggest, but one of the most rewarding decisions you can make.

For more information on fostering in Worcestershire, please visit: www.worcestershire.gov.uk/fostering