Posted on: 12th November 2020

Important Message from Santa
Hello Boys and Girls
I believe some of you are worried that I might not make it to your home this Christmas Eve due to the Coronavirus.
Please don’t worry, myself and my Reindeers are all fit and well and we can still visit every country.
Some of my elves have not been able to help in my workshop this year, but we are all working as hard as we can.
You may not get everything that you asked for this year, as some toys may not be ready, but remember that it is not because you have not been good.
You have all been very good and behaved AMAZINGLY during these tough times. We are very proud of you.
If any of your family or friends have not had everything they asked for, please be kind to them.
So, stay safe, keep up the good work and I will see you all on Christmas Eve. You will be asleep so you won’t see me!
Love Santa