Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Morgan Motor Company Visit

Posted on: 7th November 2017

Morgan Motor Company Visit

On Tuesday 3rd October, we went to the Morgan Motor Company in Malvern, because we have been learning about this topic since the start of term. At 9:00am we left school for the forty minute drive to Malvern.

When we got to the factory we watched a video on the history of Morgan cars. I learnt that the company had been making cars for over a century and that the fastest Morgan car could reach a top speed of 190mph. After that, we split into groups of 11. One group had Kevin as their guide (he was who I had) and the other group had Mike.

We then took a tour around the factory and show room. I found out there was a car in the room that had raced in a French tournament and had won it! I got to sit in the exact one!

Next, we went to where the production line was and my favourite part was where they painted the cars. Did you know that when they go into the painting area they would have to take the whole car apart again to paint it?!

Finally, we went to the museum and the shop and I got my own little car. Once we’d had lunch and played on the playground we headed home after a great day!

Beau Ballard – Class 6