Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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New 2021 Spring Family Learning Courses

Posted on: 11th January 2021

New 2021 Spring Family Learning Courses

Please see the information below and attached relating to the new 2021 Spring Family Learning Courses available from the Adult Community Learning Team.

  • All courses are still currently free for this term for any parent or carer (Please tick the “been referred” box to book on FREE)
  • Parents can book on by searching the course title at www.worcestershire.gov.uk/courses
  • or by calling 01905 728537 to our Business Support line for help
  • Teaching Support staff and professionals can book or refer parents onto this course too for families in need where they are unable to book themselves on independently or need extra support to attend
  • All courses are online but full support will be given to everyone that books to ensure they can access Zoom.
  • Please email me at Jharris5@worcestershire.gov.uk for any questions
  • Website to book courses: www.worcestershire.gov.uk/courses
  • Facebook: @adultlearningworcestershire to follow to see any newly listed courses
  • Twitter: @WorcsAdultLearn to follow to see any newly listed courses

Many thanks for your time and I hope we can meet the needs of parents and carers in Worcestershire with these courses.