Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Plant and Share Month: 19th April- 19th May 2021

Posted on: 18th March 2021

Plant and Share Month: 19th April- 19th May 2021

Plant and share is all about growing your own and sharing it with those around you.

Whether you’re growing in yogurt pots for the first time or you’re a seasoned grower with an allotment, Plant and Share month is for you.

Covid-19 has made us all realise just how crucial fresh local food is and we all have the power to grow it ourselves!

Food for Life Get-Togethers are all about bringing people together using the power of good food and Plant and Share aims to bring us all closer to our roots-both through our food and our communities.

Find out more about how to get involved at: https://fflgettogethers.org/our-events/plant-andshare-month/