Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Platinum Jubilee Street Party

Posted on: 20th May 2022

Platinum Jubilee Street Party

The whole school will be spending this week focusing on the history of the 7 decades that Queen Elizabeth II has been on the throne.

We will end this very special week with a decade themed dress up day and a street party! We will also be learning decade songs, so listen out for 50s,60s,70s,80s,90s, 20s and songs from 2010s!!

But we need your help and contributions!! I have indicated on the table below which decade your child’s class will be focusing on and, therefore which era they need to theme their Friday dress ups on!

We are also asking for contributions of food to make our party go with a ‘zing!’

We will supply memento badges (well…the PTA are!), choc ices and the red, white and blue party table ware and decorations and all the drinks; if you could help with the food. All items need to be wrapped and ideally individually wrapped, where possible.

Thank you in advance.

Year group Dress up theme decade Food contributions per child
Early Years 2010s 8 Individually wrapped cakes
Year 1 2000s 8 packets of crisps/snacks
Year 2 1990s 8 wrapped chocolate biscuits
Year 3 1980s 8 wrapped mini cheeses
Year 4 1970s 8 packets of sweet biscuits ie mini iced gems, mini gingerbread people, mini jammie dodgers
Year 5 1960s 8 frubes or similar
Year 6 1950s 8 packets of Haribo or similar