Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Sports Morning and Summer Fayre Success

Posted on: 13th July 2023

Sports Morning and Summer Fayre Success

I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you who helped to make Friday such a special day for our school community. It was wonderful to see so many of you there at our Sports Morning, celebrating all of our children in their races. A big ‘well done’ to all those family members who took part too, it’s so much fun for the children to see the adults getting involved.

The fantastic morning was bookended by our super Summer Fayre! We had very happy families enjoying the stalls, bouncy castle, football, sponging of teachers and much more. It was a real treat for all of those who were there.

These things take a huge amount of planning and I’d like to thank once more, our fantastic PTA (Alex Jolly, Charlene Measom, Sally Chinn, Claire Cheeseman and Richard Evans) and parent volunteers and stallholders, who organise and manage these brilliant events. It was a a terrific afternoon, which has raised £867.20! As ever, the PTA will use their fundraising to support the school in providing the very best for your children.

The afternoon was brought to a close by the Hartlebury’s Got Talent Grand Finale. All we can say is ‘WOW’! We have exceptional children in our school, who entertained us with dancing, singing, guitar playing, Irish dancing and jokes. I know that Mr Bennett was hugely impressed by all our entrants. They were all fantastic but it was Jesse (Year 6) who won first prize for his amazing guitar playing. Closely following in second and third places, were Florence (Year 3) and George (Year 5), with Irish dancing and a very confident stand-up routine.

We hope that you enjoyed the day and have created some lovely memories.

Sophie Bartlett

Head of School