Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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The Dogs Trust

Posted on: 12th December 2024

The Dogs Trust

Thank you to Charlotte from the Dogs Trust for coming into school on Thursday 12th December 2024, to talk to our children about safety around dogs.

The Dog Safety Workshops helped children to understand how to behave in a safe and kind way towards dogs they know by learning the ABCs of being a dog’s best friend! The ABCs help pupils understand how to:

– show dogs affection in ways they understand

-give dogs space when they are busy

-give dogs choice in every interaction

– upper key stage 2 children were also taught to recognise dog body language and key signals.

Encouraging children to follow these rules and behave like a ‘dog’s best friend’ will help children and their dogs enjoy safe, happy, and mutually rewarding relationships.

We hope that the children enjoyed their workshops and learnt a lot!

Thank you so much Charlotte.