Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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We did It – GOLD Sports Award!

Posted on: 18th June 2024

We did It – GOLD Sports Award!

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games GOLD Mark Award again for the 2023/24 academic year. 

We also received a lovely message from Alexandra Repton (Partnership Development Manager/School Games Organiser for Wyre Forest School Sport Partnership/Droitwich & Worcester City) regarding our very own Mrs Moulder.

Please see her lovely feedback below.

“Caitlin – you have worked incredibly hard to raise the profile of PE, school sport and physical activity through your attendance and engagement in events, through accessing CPD opportunities and through developing pupils in leadership roles. Well done.”

Well done Mrs Moulder.

We are very lucky to have you as our Sports Lead for Hartlebury.


Our sporting achievements this year include:

Sports Crew and Wellbeing Champions Training

Year 5 and 6 Football and Netball Festival’s

Year 6 Football Tournament

KS2 Cross Country

Celebration of Inclusive Sport

KS2 Swimming Gala

Y1 and 2 Girls Football Festival

Multi Skills Festival

Year 3 Dance Festival

Worcestershire School Games (Y3 Dance & Y5/6 Swimming)

KS2 Eco & Cycling Festival

KS2 Boccia

Year 6 Bell Boating

Year 5 & 6 Athletics

Countless intra-school sports events including House Afternoons, Swimming, Dodgeball Tournaments, Athletics Festivals,

Whole school sports workshops (Including Street Dance, Tennis, Cricket and many more).