Hartlebury Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

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Well Done Seb and Mummy!

Posted on: 2nd June 2024

Well Done Seb and Mummy!

We received a wonderful email from Seb’s Mum and we wanted to share how proud of him we are!

Seb took part in his first ever Park Run in the Wyre Forest last Sunday 2nd June 2024.

This entails running 2k with other children, up and around the hilly terrain of the forest!

He completed it in just over 14 minutes and came 18th in his age category.

There were 54 children competing so he did exceptionally well for his first go, and at 4 years old!!!

We took a sweaty selfie of us both at the end of the race too!

Well done Seb and your lovely Mum.

What an achievement!