Posted on: 6th March 2018

Year 3 Forest School
Year 3 have been enjoying teacher led Forest School in our designated area of the school field. Forest school helps children develop many skills. It is very physical so it encourages children to be active, with lots of activities to develop both fine and gross motor skills.
Children learn to assess, appreciate and take risks, making sensible, informed decisions about how to tackle the activities and experiences they encounter. They’re learning to be self-sufficient and take care of themselves, which boosts their confidence and self-esteem. Through trial and error they learn to develop the resilience to keep trying: a vital skill in the classroom as well as outside.
Forest school ties in with many areas of the National Curriculum.
Children also benefit from the simple act of being outdoors. Research has shown that it improves mental and spiritual health, communication skills and social relationships, among other things. Connecting with nature helps children feel part of the world.
Please see more Forest School photos in our Year 3 section of our Gallery.