Posted on: 2nd October 2018

Year 6 Malvern Educational Visit
On Monday the 10th September 2018, Year 6 went to Malvern on a school trip to learn about the history of the people who lived there and what made Malvern so famous all around the world.
The trip started with us walking from our school to the village train station where we caught the train to Malvern, stopping at Worcester to swap trains to get to our destination. When we got there, we had to walk from Great Malvern train station to Malvern Priory (church). As we are a big class we had to split in half so we got a chance to see everything, one half with our teacher and a tour guide who went to the museum, and the other half went with two teaching assistants and another tour guide to Malvern Priory. Malvern museum was very interesting because here we found out that the Malvern Hills are made out of granite and that Dr James Gully and DR James Wilson discovered that Malvern spring water contained healing properties. People used to bathe in the water to cure themselves of illnesses.
My favourite piece of information from the museum was the bottle that had a marble in it and if you knocked the glass over the marble would fall to the opening of the bottle and stop the water from coming out.
At the Malvern Priory we learnt that the monks would come down to pray every three hours of the day and night. We also learned that in the Victorian era the Priory would have been worth only 20 pounds to buy! Within the grounds of the Priory we also saw Charles Darwin’s daughter’s grave, who had died at the age of 10 and the lamp that inspired C.S Lewis to write his book the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. We were very pleased to see this.
After seeing the Museum and The Priory it was lunch time so we all sat and ate our sandwiches at the Malvern splash in the band stand. When we had finished, we had to walk back to the train station. We were early for our train, so we had to wait about 10 minutes until we got going. On the way back, we didn’t have to swap trains, so it made our trip a bit easier.
Once we had arrived back at Hartlebury train station, all we had to do was walk back to school.
We all loved Malvern, it was a great day out.