Posted on: 8th July 2020

Zoom Service
Rev. Stephen Winter and members of the Worcestershire Severn Parishes are hosting a Family-Friendly Informal Service on Sunday 12th July at 10am and we’d love to welcome you and any younger members of your family to it. It will be a Zoom service, and there are optional craft activities attached. With lovely hymns to be shared and with participation by members of different churches we hope to make the service more interactive and cross the divide between those Zoom windows.
If you would like to join, please use the following login details on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 845 168 9869, Password: 9445
We invite you to bring something to your service window if you would like to… a growing plant, maybe a spectacular weed, and possibly some stones or rocks… You may guess from this what the theme of the service will be?
Please join us in trying to find a more engaging way to provide a family-friendly service through Zoom. We hope to see you there, with or without things to bring.
An Order of Service and the craft activity sheets can also be downloaded from St Andrew’s church website: